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Suggestions > New User Interface

New User Interface

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From: Takun

To: Ob1
This Post:
302473.15 in reply to 302473.11
Date: 12/10/2019 11:09:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
What i have always suggested is to improve the in game graphics of at least viewing a real basketball game with live graphics and actual players playing, instead of watching line by line what is happening.
That is too much.

What I really ask is something like visually. BB website is old and quite ugly considering we are in 2019.

Also, it should be responsive. This should be a minimum requirement. When I'm using my phone I have to zoom in with my fingers... We are not in 2003, the website should be adapted to other devices than a computer.

From: stiver

This Post:
302473.16 in reply to 302473.15
Date: 12/12/2019 10:18:41 PM
Blue Ocean
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or this:
similar concept, but single player.

From: Takun

This Post:
302473.17 in reply to 302473.16
Date: 12/13/2019 1:22:56 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Yes. It's not very sophisticated, but at least it's responsive and this is something you appreciate as a user.