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Suggestions > excluding NT scouting on players

excluding NT scouting on players

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From: Lappa

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322678.15 in reply to 322678.14
Date: 9/18/2024 5:08:30 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dragoons Academy
I don't see any reason why high workload of scouting players have to made more difficult for NT mangers. Players can be scouted only during offseason anyway and if you want to select a team, only way to get data from players is to send X amounts of BB-emails (or Discord messages in some countries) and hope that you will get reply from all managers in only few days. During season, this of course works because NT teams cannot remove players from the roster due to enthusiasm drop, so the "limit" is already in place on that sense.

If there is a NT Manager who is using their position to get advantage for their own team, that manager hopefully will not get re-elected as a punishment.

From: KM-Jorx

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322678.16 in reply to 322678.15
Date: 9/18/2024 5:26:14 AM
El Garito
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El Garito 2.0
Freedom of scouting will always be a danger of conflict of interest.

You can never keep a player anonymous, no matter how good or bad he is, and that is a problem when fighting for a league, cup or b3 title if the person you face is the coach of one of your own players' nations.

In my opinion, the player's manager should have the last word, being the one who decides whether or not he goes to the national team, or if he wants his player to be reviewed by the team's staff.

I was already on several occasions against certain players of mine being reviewed, because I already knew that my training plan was not going to be linked to any type of interests for the national team and even so the staff reviewed my players without respecting my decision. to keep my players' skills anonymous.

This Post:
322678.18 in reply to 322678.17
Date: 9/18/2024 10:38:34 AM
BC Vikings Reborn
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BC Vikings Reborn II
There are NT managers who were reelected despite of that (people doesn't know or don't care).

The same will happen in Romania, for the exact same reasons.