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[REP] - Kandidati (thread closed)

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From: Cveto

This Post:
27850.150 in reply to 27850.149
Date: 6/5/2010 8:21:40 AM
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Tu je moj treniranec, ki se bo definitivno potegoval za mesto prvega centra drugoletne reprezentance. Mogoče ima malo manj razvite notranje skile kot kakšen drug kandidat, ima pa zato dokaj visoko stopnje vzdržljivosti in prostih metov, skila na katere večina ljudi pozablja...

Astor Velićević (11051795)

Tedenska plača: $ 28 613

DMI: 513900
Starost: 20
Višina: 7'2" / 218 cm
Potencial: NKI
Pripravljenost: dober

Met iz skoka: obupen Razdalja meta: zadovoljiv
Zunanja obr.: grozljiv Vodenje žoge: sprejemljiv
Prodiranje: obupen Podajanje: zadovoljiv
Met pod košem: osupljiv Obr. pod košem: sijajen
Skok: sijajen Blokade: odličen
Vzdržljivost: zadovoljiv Prosti meti: zadovoljiv

Izkušenost: obupen

Tu je še en igralec z letošnjega nabora, ki pa zaenkrat še nima uravnoteženih skilov, saj trening bolj prilagajam drugima dvema centroma.

Valon Bračun (13646394)

Tedenska plača: $ 4 252

DMI: 77700
Starost: 18
Višina: 7'1" / 216 cm
Potencial: superzvezdnik
Pripravljenost: odličen

Met iz skoka: nezadosten Razdalja meta: grozljiv
Zunanja obr.: slab Vodenje žoge: nezadosten
Prodiranje: grozljiv Podajanje: obupen
Met pod košem: dober ↑ Obr. pod košem: zadovoljiv
Skok: odličen Blokade: dober
Vzdržljivost: povprečen Prosti meti: slab

Kar dobro spremljam slovenske mlade upe in lahko trdim, da bomo drugo leto imeli res močno mladinsko reprezentanco (na vseh položajih), kar je zagotovo plod dobre prakse, ki se jo je uveljavljalo zadnjih nekaj sezon, zato bi bilo res škoda, da bi se to prakso sedaj opustilo. Res je, da vzame to delo precej časa tistim, ki vodijo treninge ampak je vredno. Razmišljam celo, da bi se tudi sam pridružil temu timu. Nekaj izkušenj s treniranjem centrov le imam, tako da bi se zagotovo našlo kaj dela zame...

To je vse z moje strani, lepo bi bilo če bi člani trenutnega tima odgovornega za trening mladih malo razpisali in poročali kako napredujemo...

Lp Cveto

From: Pero21
This Post:
27850.151 in reply to 27850.150
Date: 6/5/2010 11:21:15 AM
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Treningi mislim, da potekajo po načrtu, vsaj kar se tiče mene. Pri drugih, nisem preverjal, vendar mislim, da to ni kar tako zamrlo.. Glede menjave reprezentance, pa se bo zgodila v ponedeljek, prej nimam časa, saj se pripravljam za izpit. Bom pa sedaj malo povprašal pri pomočnikih, kako kaj poteka in bodo še oni malo izpostavili najbolj obetavne igralce, da se pokaže, da se na tem načrtu še vedno dela...

This Post:
27850.152 in reply to 27850.151
Date: 6/7/2010 4:53:34 AM
KK Matematiki
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Trening Centrov iz 11 sezone poteka dobro pri igralcih:
Vlado Urbanec ((13647338))
Tomaž Grobelnik ((13645798))
Željko Pavlin ((13646960))
Izidor Radoš ((13645891)) na trgu...
Dule Gačič ((13647772))
Anže Plut ((13645696))
Anton Pajenk ((13647834))
Rik Katarić ((13647635))
Aljoša Kuželicki ((13646616))
Valerij Verlič ((13646504))

malo manj dobro pa pri Centrih:
Jožef Lakovič ((13647173))
Milan Korelic ((13646414))
Franci Kozovinc ((13645767))
Diego Robnik ((13899699))
Samir Želodec ((13647176))
Gvido Kapić ((13646889))
Gojc Podvršček ((13646523))
Jernej Papež ((13645758))
Dejan Južnić ((13647178))
Svarun Mandelj ((13647684))
Simon Gradišek ((13647466))
Nel Kerkovič ((13645915))
Jernej Papež ((13645758))
Leo Katarić ((13647123))
Valon Bračun ((13646394))
Viljem Mišič ((13645896))
Zvone Švigelj ((13645901))
Zlatko Drame ((13647971))
Art Gačič ((13646971))

This Post:
27850.153 in reply to 27850.152
Date: 6/11/2010 3:39:24 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
pri jožefu lakoviču trening poteka izjemno dobro :D

This Post:
27850.154 in reply to 27850.153
Date: 6/12/2010 5:49:57 PM
KK Matematiki
Overall Posts Rated:
potem pa tak super... ;)

Message deleted
This Post:
27850.156 in reply to 27850.154
Date: 6/29/2010 5:32:15 AM
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Actually I don't know the current Slovenia's situation with guards, but I find it pretty funny not to see Art Stana (8227500) in the squad. I see only salaries, so I might be wrong. Sorry for that :)
Coach gover ignores me, so I have no idea what's wrong with Stana.

From: gover

This Post:
27850.157 in reply to 27850.156
Date: 6/29/2010 6:09:45 AM
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Your player has on the start of a season only awful stamina (3) and this is aboslutly too low to play on top level. But it wasn't just stamina too low. I don't ignore nobody. I read all my mail and i keep all potencial players in my list and yours is in that list too. I don't know if i will be coach for two more seasons but if will win on elections i will review all good slovenian player and yours too. If he is any bether than a season before, he will probably be in squad for next season.

I apologies for that misunderstanding, but if you just send me his skills, i don't tell you what to do unless you need an advise what to train.

If you have more questions for me, i am available on mail and i will tell you everything you want to know.

From: Mod-Turix

This Post:
27850.158 in reply to 27850.157
Date: 6/29/2010 6:26:51 AM
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I mentioned about ignoring, couse you never answered any of my letters. You could just said, about the stamina. Anyways, I think that's a silly reason not to take a player, because in NT team there always will be someone who can replace tired player and give him a rest. I trained him hard this season, almost all trainings were in one position, with a hope, that I can help your NT team to improve, but it seems that my work is useless :)

I'll send you his skills and then decide, continue his trainings or not.


From: gover

This Post:
27850.159 in reply to 27850.158
Date: 6/29/2010 6:59:59 AM
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I hope my mail will be enough. Thanks for training him, but it is your player. You could do with him what ever you want. Even without my help you have train him very well and that all. If your player have been before season bether i wouldl call him in the team. I am sorry if you felt ignored but you must know that i monitor players who are not in the squad and if they are good enough they are in and that it. I train my players in the way i wnated and if they are good enaugh they are invited in national team.

I apologies one more time for this and i hope this is over. If you have anything rest, please on mail and leave this forum slovenian.


From: scorptio

This Post:
27850.160 in reply to 27850.159
Date: 7/5/2010 8:09:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
maybe this players could be interesting for the NT (a lot of are younger than the current selected and have a better salary) :

SG :

PG : (my player ^^)
