Interesting considerations in your post
I think your numerical estimation is roughly accurate.When a player is a good shotblocker(over >10 level),SB could intervene in about 20-25% of the shots of his direct adversary(at least,playing with LI where a big man should average more than just 13 shots,I think around 16-17 attempts/game but I'm not sure abut this),sometimes directly(when a SB is registered),sometimes in combination with ID(a Sb is not registered but a shot is altered)
Still,a skill that is used around 20-25% of the times and not always at full effect(because in that 20-25% we are considering the times that it works together with ID too,if ID is poor a shot could be scored also when Sb have an effect on it),doesn't seems to me to justify the salary that it brings,it could show that probably is better to not have SB atrocious with their own big mans,but that when you go over mediocre-average level then the impact on the salary starts to hurt a lot,because make difficult(economically-wise)/impossible(for potential cap effects) to have other big mans skills
I don't agree on your reasoning about blocking working on help defence.I think that when a player shoots,it's considered only the blocking skill of his direct defender,because it would have been evident someway if more shotblockers would affect the same shot(we should have seen some blocked shots made by a player that wasn't the direct adversary of the shooter in that single action,right?)
And I don't agree even on OD for big mans.8 in OD for a big man is a pretty good level,especially when you compare it to the outside shot(JS and JR) of the adversary PFs and Cs.Even the strongest big mans usually doesn't have pretty high level in JS/JR,and when a team attack with some outside tactics,the player are forced to take mid-range shots that OD helps to defend,although I agree that OD is more useful defending on a PF than defending on a C,that usually take less outside shots...and OD doesn't cost nothing for big mans,differently from SB,so even if OD effect were minimal(and I don't think that it is so),you have it for nothing,while you have to pay a lot from have SB effects
And train SB as primary skill(not as consequence of training ID),also subtracts time for other skills's training,and also this is an aspect to count in among "negatives" of SB
Last edited by Steve Karenn at 1/16/2012 10:36:29 AM