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Scrimmage Game Engine Feedback v2

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87048.156 in reply to 87048.153
Date: 6/8/2009 7:31:21 AM
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Check some games where at least one team used Look inside or other inside tactic. Lots of blocks.

in my games it was 4, from the opposing team and two of mine - and both with inside tactic did you mean that?

Last season the average of blocks in the Bundesliga was betwen 7 and 8, after the first game 8 blocks are top and maybe a small around 4 is average.

To make this skill more sufficient, like it was in salary it is not usefull.

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87048.158 in reply to 87048.157
Date: 6/8/2009 7:53:59 AM
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"still" is a biased word in this case. Nobody knows if it ever be without flaws. i t was tested and we know what happened.

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87048.160 in reply to 87048.159
Date: 6/8/2009 8:00:30 AM
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I give up. You would make up excuses for everything = no point to discuss.

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87048.161 in reply to 87048.157
Date: 6/8/2009 8:01:05 AM
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I don't understand why BB is so hooked up on that "reality NBA" thing. If I want reality I watch NBA game on TV if I want to relax I watch BB game because its more intersting when reality. Now BB increased number of mistakes as I remember it the second time they did it. It is realy interesting to watch how my players makes 12 mistakes a game and when my opponent makes 12 mistakes. More realistic=more boring for me

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87048.163 in reply to 87048.161
Date: 6/8/2009 8:11:41 AM
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I don't understand why BB is so hooked up on that "reality NBA" thing. If I want reality I watch NBA game on TV if I want to relax I watch BB game because its more intersting when reality. Now BB increased number of mistakes as I remember it the second time they did it. It is realy interesting to watch how my players makes 12 mistakes a game and when my opponent makes 12 mistakes. More realistic=more boring for me

Because BB calls itself a "basketball simulation." Simulations are supposed to reflect real life.

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87048.164 in reply to 87048.163
Date: 6/8/2009 9:57:02 AM
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For me it seems a wrong decision , to go back- if you are to go ahead , there will be allways a lot of peaple complayning

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87048.165 in reply to 87048.164
Date: 6/8/2009 10:05:24 AM
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argh... i gave up also.... this new GE is killing me ! :(

From: Thijs
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87048.166 in reply to 87048.165
Date: 6/8/2009 10:13:07 AM
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Please read the news page.
