In general I agree with what you are saying. However, I disagree with the following:
But the global competition is not based on equality, so who's the best?
There is no global competition. Just some weird tournament called the B3, which is not really a global competition. I say that because one of the ways to get in is by winning the National Cup... And doing that takes mostly luck. The actual tournament is all about luck, too, because of the random draw involved and part of that random draw is home court advantage. There is no game shape management involved, either, which basically means it is your best players against my best players, so depth does not really matter Also, the amount of money from winning games in the B3 is absurd. The tournament means absolutely nothing from that standpoint.
Also, I think your allegory is a bit of an exagerration. It is more like there are two parts of town: one that is really rich, another that is just rich. In both cities people are driving Ferrari's. It is just that the 2nd city is a bit bigger, so not everyone gets a Ferrari, but everyone can afford at least a comfortable mid-sized sedan.
Run of the Mill Canadian Manager