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The BB Training Crowd-Sourcing Project

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From: wozzvt

This Post:
203921.160 in reply to 203921.159
Date: 2/13/2012 6:20:41 PM
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I havent read through this thread in a while and i dont have the time to do so now either. Can one post in other languages then US English now? I saw that it said what language i used when posting last week. I guess it has some time but never thought about it that much. I cant remember that being there from the start.

not yet. but, it's now tracking your language (which is why you see that), so that we can for now (1) throw errors if the wrong language is being used, and eventually (2) accommodate other languages.

we've actually written up a lot of the translation tables, but there's a lot of potential pitfalls we're trying to work through (for example, sometimes the training page seems to use the full name of the skill, sometimes they use abbreviations, etc). if there's any LA's out there who have access to all this data and want to give me a hand with it though, i'd love it!

From: Azrail

This Post:
203921.161 in reply to 203921.160
Date: 2/14/2012 12:06:05 PM
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still don't understand why I can't log in? I install all the stuff, and when i log in I received the message : Log in as Azrail and after few second : unauthorized, please log in... WHAT is wrong?

From: wozzvt

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203921.162 in reply to 203921.161
Date: 2/14/2012 1:49:28 PM
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you mean you get this message when you go to the bb-training site? make sure you have your access key set up correctly (it's different from your password)...

can you log in to other sites like

From: Azrail

This Post:
203921.163 in reply to 203921.162
Date: 2/14/2012 3:36:39 PM
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you mean you get this message when you go to the bb-training site? make sure you have your access key set up correctly (it's different from your password)...

can you log in to other sites like

yep, but I get this message only at work computer, at home everything work fine. So, I think the problem is somewhere in my security settings .
p.s. awesome work!!! congratulations!

From: Azrail

This Post:
203921.166 in reply to 203921.165
Date: 2/16/2012 2:37:07 AM
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I feel your pain.
I can log in everywhere using my access key, but when I try to get into the bb-training site this is exactly what happens.

I have been able to get into the site once to update my data, but never since then...
It's starting to bug me seeing as the data was looking so awesome, and I bet its even better now.

you can try to use something like this : or In my case this work perfectly. But, you will can't sent training data:-/

This Post:
203921.167 in reply to 203921.164
Date: 2/16/2012 6:58:36 PM
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That happened to me until I got the update which is found on the main screen on point number 2. Click the word "here". After I updated it worked fine.

From: Fulansu
This Post:
203921.169 in reply to 203921.168
Date: 2/17/2012 9:01:04 AM
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last 2 weeks i always get the message that sending is failed, but at the page everything is updated!? not sure if it's really is, but is seems to work well for me...
