Another question that i wanted to ask is that in my experience with the bb game engine that a player usually has 2 normal matches and a far weaker one each weak.To be more direct let's say i have a pg with proficient game shape that usually plays for about 20-30 (not exiting the 79 min/weak) that plays the first league match with a solid 11 and the second match almost the same let's say 10.5 and the tournament match 9.5 - 10.Usually and this is from my experience the third match he will have a lower % on almost all the stats.I'm talking about the same off/def tactics and no changes to the roster.
Is this only from the opposing team tactics/roster or is this a way for the game engine to get the reality factor meaning that no player plays well every match or am i doing something wrong.
Also how important is stamina in this question, i've player going from average to proficient and improving there results from 9, 9.5 - 10, 10.5.