I've taken flak for buying 28 year olds before.
The way I see it, I've watched players buy young players 23ish and then be forced to sell them because either they demoted, or the player didn't fit in with their plans for their team any more. Either they wanted to switch their offensive focus, or the play had foul problems.
In the worst case I've seen, this dude lost over 1 mil in reselling that player after training him for 2 season.
I'm not too bothered by age, but I do try to keep to a system.
I don't cough out millions on a youngish stud, I prefer getting players around the age of 27 - 29 because they are cheaper and I can use them for 3-4 season.
I just sold my fav big for 650k, about a 550k loss from when I bought him 3 seasons ago. Might seem like a big loss of cash, but I've manage to promote with him. Don't forget to factor in the massive drop in prices for bigs.
What I'm trying to do now is buy bigs that are 26-28 years old. So that when my guards mature in about 3 seasons, I can sell these bigs and switch my training regime to training bigs.
Then with some luck, I'd be able to make a run for cup / league in abt 5 - 6 seasons ;P
Well, that's the plan... too bad I love surfing for bargains in the TL so much I don't really stick to it ;P