I still didn't get an explanation to the following - How come there was not a single team who joined BB later than season-four at the first division of France, Italy or Spain (on season 17, where I checked it).
Because the people that signed up in season 5 had to compete with people who were there from seasons 3 and 4 (which appear to be the first in Spain). And then those who sign up in season 6 had to compete with all of those, etc. But I'll address this more in a little bit -- see what I bold in the below:
What that got to do with?
It is a league - they all are in competition with one another.
The only differdence - the design of the game causes that old teams have much more money, and hence the competition impossible.
There where 13 seasons with a lot of teams between season 4 and season 17.
In Spain, Italy and Fracne there where
only teams from those first four seasons (1-4).
Not a single team from 13 seasons. All from the other first four...
Summarizes it.
At that point, and in case that user is not that worse than you are, this will be a wall that cannot be overcome.
You know, if the problem was just newer teams were at an impossible financial disadvantage, that's something worthwhile. But what you state above shows the flaw in your reasoning - you are saying that it is a big problem that a newer manager, who is not a better manager than an old one, can not pass the old manager. The simple solution to that is not to punish the old manager, but instead for the new manager to become a better manager than the old one. Promotion and relegation should be based on merit, not for trying to make sure everyone gets their turn at the top. And when better managers come into the game, they will surpass those who are there based on longevity -- as it should be.
You did not understand (or did not want to understand)...
I said - In case there are two users managers with the same BB-managing skills, but one of them joined earlier, then the other one
has no chance against him, and that user will always be his wall.
In practice, the situation is much worse, and users that are worse BB-managers will succeed more in case they joined the game earlier.