what we need is a higher aveage potential of players, right now it's a bunch of those 6th men and below junk........I say if the BBs raise the average drafted to about star-allstar, then the draft would be much better, also giving more of those will then want so many people wanting to train them. This last draft I got a allstar, but he had too many holes in which once he got injured I sacked him...........I mean he had 1800 salary, in which if BBs raise average All-Star potential salary to about 3000 then it'd b much better.......other than that I think BBs should scrap away those announcers and 6th Men Benchwarmers etc. cause in BB they only do good in D5 inactive/bot and D6. Cause look.........
In D1 average potential MVP is there (although Allstars and perrenial allstars well trained could make good 6th Men, but I'm talking starters, not whole team)
In D2 average potential SUPERSTAR-MVP is there
in D3 average potential is SUPERSTAR
In D4 average potential is P. ALLSTAR
In D5 average potential is ALLSTAR+ varies depending in activity (in my league average is allstar, but next season that could go higher cause in my GRT 8, 7-8 teams are active.......
3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!