Anyway I don't think that waiting 1 day decreases the interest in a person... I mean: you haven't even tried the game yet!!
Come on, for sure it does. This is just common sense.
You have somebody in front of their computer interested to know what this game is all about yet then you tell them too bad, come back in a couple of days. I'm betting that half the people that sign up don't come back in a couple of days if not more.
It's like owning a movie theatre and you have a customer very intersted in seeing a move one Saturday night. But instead of telliing them to come right over, you have them wait for an email and then they can come out Monday after they receive it. Some people will lose interest by Monday. Others had time Saturday night but don't have time Monday. Others will go find another theatre altogether. But without a doubt, movie theatres would be far less busy if they made people buy their tickets 2 days in advance.
Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 9/13/2012 6:45:44 AM