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Arena expansion strategy

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239972.16 in reply to 239972.15
Date: 4/4/2013 6:16:15 PM
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save? meaning your just holding the money??

I can't have the maturity to not spend the money I get.. 60,000 a week is so much to be saved, but even more to be spent

From: jeorge9

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239972.17 in reply to 239972.5
Date: 4/4/2013 9:28:23 PM
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it seems that we have different views on the optimal arena size....
so might as well use this thread to ask you people out there.
what do you think is the optimal arena size??

From: jeorge9

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239972.19 in reply to 239972.18
Date: 4/5/2013 1:16:54 AM
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Thanks Manon!
It's been a great help, now I've set-up my expansion target.

Just to share, my initial plan is 12,500-5,500-500-50 then plan again on the bleacher and lower tier expansion after completing this.
It will be along way though since i'm currently at 53% only from this target. :p

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239972.22 in reply to 239972.15
Date: 4/5/2013 5:18:18 PM
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Yes just hold the money till your to ready expand.. You can do a little at time which is faster, or you save to certain amount and do it like that. Since in the bottom league it no real rush.

I saved and did mines. . But what ever you do build that arena :)

This Post:
239972.23 in reply to 239972.11
Date: 4/15/2013 4:21:00 PM
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I think about:


good plan for my arena? :)

Definitely very bad plan ;-)
At least before promotion.
There is no sense to build 5000 lower tiers in 4th division because it seems impossible to fulfil so many seats in Your league. Keep in mind that the lowest possible price for lower tier ticket is $ 18, it's still quite expensive in D.IV.
I think it would be hard to sell 5k tickets even in 3rd division (in fact I have problem to sell 5k lower tiers even in 2nd division when I lost previous game although my price $ 21 is close to minimal). And even if You sell so many seats then additional profit is very low because it's difference between price for lower tier and for bleachers, so it isn't $ 18 but maybe $ 10. And real profit is still smaller because You need to lower price for whole sector, not only for new seats, so Your profit from old seats is smaller.

From: tykit

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239972.24 in reply to 239972.23
Date: 4/15/2013 5:54:20 PM
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Hi everybody
I've read many interesting things in this thread ! So i'm quite curious to know what do you think about my situation.
I've been expanding my arena all last season long (+ previous one a bit) and i'm at 9000 / 1000 / 100 / 5.
I'm in french, d.V (a quite tough one), and i'm training a very nice draftee + 2 other ones. I'm not planning to promote this season (maybe next one...).
So my questions are :
should i stop for a while or keep on building it up ?
if i keep on, should i reach the 15k bleachers first ? or should i spend on more lower tier ? (because their affluence doesn't change as much as bleachers depending on teams results)

From: lawrenman

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239972.25 in reply to 239972.24
Date: 4/15/2013 6:17:07 PM
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I would go no more than 12,000 bleachers for div 5.

This would be a good set for you. I would probably build 12 more luxury and then set the price for 400. Then 200 more courtside and looking around 60 price? I can't remember.

Also look at some of the leaders of your country in Div 5. See how they price tickets. $6 for 9000 seats seems cheap. I think I was charging 7 or 8 and was selling out 9600 last season. $6 tickets is probably a right price for 13,000 seats.

Just make sure you have a good enough roster as well to win your div next season. If you have to, hire some 32+ older guys early next season just make sure they are good players so you can get out of Div5.
