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One on One Guards vs Forwards

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268070.16 in reply to 268070.7
Date: 3/10/2015 9:59:46 AM
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I have trained guards before but haven't really tried big men. To increase JS, how can JS training be slower than 1on1 if both are 2 position training? If I am understanding you correctly you are suggesting the height penalty makes it slower.

Maybe the other guys can give an opinion about this. For (JS) training small guys, what I usually do is train jump range 1 position at sg then alternate jump shot, but i have mostly trained guards and forwards not really big guys. Cross training is capped at 10% every week. So we are only training 90% instead of the full 100%. Let us not confuse the other skills that are being sub trained as a result of training the main skill.

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268070.17 in reply to 268070.16
Date: 3/10/2015 10:12:55 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I was just stating what the data from the USA offsite is showing, which is based on a pretty large sample size. I don't really have a logic behind it, but appearantly it's true. In any case, if you are training JS on bigs and are willing to train out of position for it, I suggest using 1v1 guards over JS guards since bigs can use the extra DR/HA from the 1v1 training. Only exception is if you really want a little JR instead of the sizable DR/HA, then you could train JS guards for your bigs.

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268070.18 in reply to 268070.17
Date: 3/10/2015 10:25:13 AM
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Ill keep it in mind - thanks, JS is over rated anyways (haha) just a different approach to it. Best of luck to u