Without training RB, he ended up with a double digit skill.
I never trained something else as OD, SB, PA and a couple of weeks ID. DR got a lot of ups. RB some too.
The one thing I've always had a hard time contemplating was allowing RB to be too low, since offensive rebounds lead to put back attempts and no matter how good a player's defense is, you're more likely to give up points (or a foul) if your opponent gets an offensive board than you would be if you got the rebound. But I haven't built SB guys yet either, so my whole mode of prevention of easy shots by flooding all positions with OD was vulnerable to offensive rebounds.
Yeah, there are more OREB than usual. But I still managed to have the best rebound team in the league... with a RB 12 C and lower RB players. At the same time my team had only 11-12 fouls/game. And this number contains not only shooting fouls. There were games were my team had no fouls after the first halftime.
OD is nice but from a certain point onwards it hurts you more. An example. Haek has such high def skills that the engine tries to navigate around him. During his training I kept track of all kind of stats. When he was at the same level as his opponents, he defended around 11 shot attempts/game. As soon as he surpassed his opponents, this number dropped and dropped until it reached the bottom line of 5 shot attempts/game... His opposing players were so overpowerd that they even didn't try to shoot... they passed the ball to another player.