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BB Poland > BB Rep. to Polska

BB Rep. to Polska

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From: Mike

This Post:
31229.16 in reply to 31229.14
Date: 5/18/2008 4:34:34 AM
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Are you talking about in-game currency, like the $ 9086 salary of Bartlomiej Ptok (3208927)? I do not know how things are in HT. We have considered switching to local currencies, but do not have any definite plans. There would some drawbacks. For example, it would make communication between owners from different countries more difficult.

Last edited by Mike at 5/18/2008 12:20:25 PM

From: miwman

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.17 in reply to 31229.16
Date: 5/18/2008 6:00:00 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
yeah you're right, just asking :-)

From: Janecki

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.18 in reply to 31229.1
Date: 5/19/2008 6:57:43 AM
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2. We believe that the game is more fun for everybody when there are more people involved. Does anyone have any ideas about ways that we could help BuzzerBeater grow in Poland? For example, just last week, one of our users helped us to set up a banner exchange program with a popular sports discussion board in Lithuania; as a result, more than 500 new users have already signed up!

In poland there is several portals about basketball. They have own forums, so there is possibility to write there thread about BB or talk with administrators about co-operation.

3. In some countries, we have received complaints about the banner ads shown at the top of the site. These ads are provided by a banner ad network, and in most countries it is very difficult to control whether the ads that are shown are appropriate for our audience. If anybody knows of a company that wants to advertise on BuzzerBeater, we'll gladly pay you a commission for anybody you find that can help us serve better and more targeted banner ads.

Recently Polish HT become controled by Interia - one of three bigest portals in Poland. They control for polish users and have own banner. Maybe there will be possibility to talk with this or other portal to do same thing here? But I think that at this moment such a talks wouldn't be positive because of young and small society of polish BB, but who knows...

From: Tripaw

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.19 in reply to 31229.1
Date: 5/21/2008 5:03:02 AM
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Czy jakaś część strony jest nieprzetłumaczona?
Is there any portion of the site that is not translated?

Tak, pasek zadań - nie ma możliwości przetłumaczenia, dlaczego?

Yes, toolbar - there is no possibility to translate it. Why?

From: Mike

This Post:
31229.20 in reply to 31229.19
Date: 5/21/2008 1:44:37 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I have just now made the toolbar mouseover values into translatable resource. Thanks for pointing this out.

From: Khazaad

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.21 in reply to 31229.20
Date: 5/21/2008 3:22:20 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Translation already done. But name 'Toolbar', and 'Maximize toolbar' on mouseover can't be translated.

I've noticed one more thing. When I load some 'boxscore.aspx' in the top-right corner there are 3 icons - Rivalry history, Match Report, and... well, it's some great mistery :)
I know that it is Bookmarks, but it can't be translated, because it has no name and no link in my FF panel (but the link is working).


From: Mike

This Post:
31229.22 in reply to 31229.21
Date: 5/21/2008 6:27:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
All three of these things are now translatable. Thanks.

From: Mike

This Post:
31229.23 in reply to 31229.18
Date: 5/21/2008 6:44:04 PM
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In poland there is several portals about basketball. They have own forums, so there is possibility to write there thread about BB or talk with administrators about co-operation.

Can you tell me the names of these sites, please? I would like to take a look at them. We might be interested in cooperating with one or more of them.

If any of you are active in these forums, I would really like to hear from you.

(Could someone please translate this message?)

From: c77™

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.24 in reply to 31229.23
Date: 5/21/2008 7:09:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
basketball vortals: one of the biggest portal in Poland - (press news about cooperation with

pzdr - c77™
From: Khazaad

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.25 in reply to 31229.23
Date: 5/22/2008 3:03:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Tłumaczenie cytatu:
"W Polsce jest kilka portali dotyczących koszykówki. Mają własne fora, jest więc możliwość napisania tam wątku o BB oraz ewentualnie ustalenie z administratorami możliwości współpracy"

Tłumaczenie wiadomości MIke'a:
Czy możecie podać mi nazwy tych portali? Chętnie im się przyjrzę. Być może będziemy zainteresowani współpracą z jednym lub kilkoma z nich.

Jeżeli ktoś z Was jest czynnym użytkownikiem ich forów, to chętnie o tym posłucham.

(Czy ktoś może przetłumaczyć tę wiadomość? - Of course :)
