ie. in one conference you have one strong team and seven lousy teams, while in other you have 4-4 situation, so those team would have to put more effort and in the end are wunerable and will lose from that one team that hasn't put same amount of effort just because he has more luck with opponents.
If u are that good, why dont u give me one?
Surprise is something that happens all the time when it comes to sports... without surprising results, the game just become mechanic and boring.
There. Was it really so hard to provide another example?Let me ask you this. If this was real basketball and that was the scenario - would you not agree that the team which won the easy conference would have an advantage in the finals?
and don't forget that some teams in strong conferences may have to fight for the home advantage against strong teams, while a good team in the weaker conference will have weaker rivals in the last matches of the regular season, and can play TIE.