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Flag Chase

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From: raonne

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1228.161 in reply to 1228.160
Date: 3/31/2008 4:55:08 AM
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Top 25 is too long. We would get too many teams tied at different positions. Just look at the list right now...4 teams at #8, 3 teams at #17 and thats with no #9 or #10. Just make it a top 10 and if you don't make the list you don't make it. Yeah you won't get a lot of changes but a longer list wouldn't see many changes either...everyone just goes up by one.

No, come on. let's let it be 25 so mroe people can be involved. Especially because we are all a long way from finishing so a lot of people still have a chance. But with regards to your concerns about the length of the list we can cut to 25 TEAMS, instead of 25 positions. So the current list already has 23 teams, only 2 more and that's it.

Now who wants the job of updating the list weekly? (don't look at me, I'm one busy NT coach... :D)

From: raonne

This Post:
1228.162 in reply to 1228.161
Date: 3/31/2008 1:36:02 PM
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Now who wants the job of updating the list weekly?

Suddenly nobody replies... You talk about volunteering and people start running down the stairs like crazy, jumping out of the windows, trying to climb out through the chimneys... hahahaha
Like the Suns' bench when Shaq was chasing a ball towards them.. hahaha

Come on, somebody!

This Post:
1228.164 in reply to 1228.163
Date: 4/1/2008 6:05:36 AM
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I've got 15 flags, whihc puts me on that list somewhere.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
1228.165 in reply to 1228.155
Date: 4/1/2008 3:15:02 PM
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Island here, also rare if I'm not mistaking ;-)

This Post:
1228.166 in reply to 1228.165
Date: 4/2/2008 5:13:05 AM
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Hmm I saw the language "Galego" on the frontpage, I like that flag

But I guess there ain't a big chance that I can get this flag, since it ain't a country hehe.

This Post:
1228.167 in reply to 1228.166
Date: 4/2/2008 7:22:18 AM
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There is no way to get the galego flag.

In Spain there are several languages: the main one is Spanish (spoken everywhere) but there are also regional languages: Catalán (in Catalunya), Galego (in Galicia) and Basque (in the Basque Country Region).

This Post:
1228.169 in reply to 1228.168
Date: 4/2/2008 2:19:29 PM
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Castillian of course!! hehe.

This family is growing quite fast :D !!

This Post:
1228.170 in reply to 1228.169
Date: 4/2/2008 2:26:58 PM
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i want to enter in the flagchasing group... i was without friendly today, and i get a easy one, Deutschland...

the next week i will try to beguin with the Al's Countries... will i get to be in the Top 25... just wait... and you'll see

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