2.9mil and only going for the this seasons ABBL? Selling yourself short there =P
I clearly do not have 2.9mil but if I did, I would be going for Cup, league and B3. All in one season.
I do have between 1 to 2mil for Palmeri though, so if you do relist him (which I think what would happen) for $1, then you might be able to see how much money I have to splash around.
Like I said, if you were serious about selling Palmeri or Brethes then you wouldve listed them for $1. But you didnt =P
Im financial enough to win this seasons ABBL championship and possibly next without having a major restructure of my team.
As I said in my previous post the idea of restructuring my team was to have a real crack at
this seasons B3 which will involve running at a few hundred K a week loss for several weeks
Mind you if you had of started some of your better players on Wednesday night, you would have been on top of the B3 table.
Good defensively balanced Aussie SFs who are only 25yo are IMO worth more than 2 mill
editPalmeri is a year younger than Ryder and despite my extra efforts with Ryder, he is not that far behind if at all when the difference in age is considered
Palmeris true worth is not that he can match it in the ABBL as a starting SF, but instead is the fact that he could continue to do so for another 8 seasons and potentially save his owner in excess of 40 K per week for that period of time for a player of comparative performance.
I.e. 40k x 13 x 8 is about 4.16mill he could save a potential purchaser over a player of comparative performance.
A good SF IMO is almost a ticket for promotion from div 2 and the associated million in promotion money. (Hell Pedrosa earned me a couple of mill in promotion money)
Promotion money is very handy for teams who want to undertake a long time build which can involve bouncing between divisions
As mentioned he is a whisker away from having 15 in ID and I suspect is quite close to a couple of other pops.
Good teams are not built around 200K players but instead salary efficient players who enable you to afford other key players
Last edited by Sid Vicious at 8/14/2014 11:11:17 PM