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Australia - I.1 > Season 27

Season 27

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From: lordy

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256284.163 in reply to 256284.160
Date: 5/23/2014 6:23:07 AM
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I can't see any dodgy transfers? I got bored after the last 15 players he sold. He always lost money or made so little that the tax would have made it a loss?

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256284.164 in reply to 256284.162
Date: 5/23/2014 4:05:59 PM
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Nopes I don't know of any who got banned this week.

From: pete

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256284.165 in reply to 256284.160
Date: 5/23/2014 5:52:20 PM
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lols we were stoopid to not have a look at his trading record

2 late now it is gone 4 eva

wld be interesting if ne1 else knows of any other team that went bot this week

You can still check out his transfers.

This Post:
256284.166 in reply to 256284.159
Date: 5/23/2014 7:19:03 PM
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Got to watch those HA's.

And of course they didnt rub the wrong one out by mistake

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256284.167 in reply to 256284.166
Date: 5/23/2014 7:29:48 PM
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Lol they probably need clear concise evidence to do that.

only need to make a wrong move and they will be all over you like bees to honey.

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256284.168 in reply to 256284.167
Date: 5/23/2014 8:16:29 PM
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Lol they probably need clear concise evidence to do that.

only need to make a wrong move and they will be all over you like bees to honey.

Never been in this situation before, but would that be like "tall poppy syndrome"?

This Post:
256284.169 in reply to 256284.168
Date: 5/24/2014 9:31:52 AM
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Urmummas are having a decent sale where by they have put 4 players with a combined weekly salary of about 365K on the market.

Will they reload before the end of the season or will they just tank the rest of the season?

If they were to use a CT against Fish next Saturday night, that would get them to 12 wins (even if they were to lose against Stone Slashers on Tuesday night), hence they would then have a 7 or 8 game break on 6th with only 6 games to go.

Urmumma is one Manager whos mind I refuse to try and read.

Any one have any thoughts on Urmummas intentions?

:? :? :? :? :? :? :?

This Post:
256284.170 in reply to 256284.169
Date: 5/24/2014 3:43:05 PM
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Most likely same as last season. Feels safe enough, and content to sell and save a few dollars. However, I'm only speculating.

If so, it makes it interesting for the race to get top spot. Chelsea is a game ahead of HSD. I'm (on PD) 2 games behind Chelsea, and a game behind HSD. This also would see Koop with a slight chance to sneak into 4th and cause an upset or 2.

This Post:
256284.171 in reply to 256284.170
Date: 5/24/2014 4:37:16 PM
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Didnt Koops nearly win the championship after sneaking into the 4 late one season?

This Post:
256284.172 in reply to 256284.171
Date: 5/24/2014 10:17:28 PM
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Na. You're probably thinking of season 19. He snuck into fourth and then managed to make it to the finals. But got owned by a far superior team there. Never had a chance.

This Post:
256284.173 in reply to 256284.172
Date: 5/25/2014 1:16:58 AM
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Never had a chance cos a PG named bin Awang is such a c0ck blOck.
Denied me twice.

But the team that went on to win it all was well deserving. Couldnt bare to see him win another silver trophy =P
