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Australia - IV.7 > Private league 10

Private league 10

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212354.164 in reply to 212354.158
Date: 5/29/2012 10:40:31 PM
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The ability to play an extra TIE each week is pretty much the most important thing about still being in the cup. At the moment, this is assigned to teams completely at random.

So basically you want a hand out to be able to play TIE each week. Why not tank a league game and play TIE there and normal the cup if you are so keen to stay in it (as i have done this week)

I would like it if it was somewhat "seeded" until all the bots were out then random it up.
bots can't use the $50k, I can....

I understand this point an it does make sense. Though one of the guys i work with did lose to a bot once which was amusing.

Maybe they can do it so that all bots play active users in rd one and go from there. There are 525 users in Australia so in Rd one of the cup there should be 1024 teams which means on a few would play "real" teams and the rest would play bots. After that it's random

Last edited by coachnoodles at 5/29/2012 10:41:36 PM

This Post:
212354.165 in reply to 212354.164
Date: 5/30/2012 12:42:02 AM
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The ability to play an extra TIE each week is pretty much the most important thing about still being in the cup. At the moment, this is assigned to teams completely at random.

So basically you want a hand out to be able to play TIE each week. Why not tank a league game and play TIE there and normal the cup if you are so keen to stay in it (as i have done this week)

No, I want it to be even (to a reasonable degree) for all teams in the same league. I don't expect a free TIE game each week, but I expect that all teams in the same league have the same opportunity to play TIE i.e. it's not decided completely at random, thus giving some teams an advantage.

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212354.166 in reply to 212354.165
Date: 5/30/2012 6:47:19 AM
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Well eliminating the cup is the only way to do it then as tht means two chances to play TIE each week - any form of tournaments that involves elimination means some teams will drop out before others

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212354.167 in reply to 212354.166
Date: 5/30/2012 8:28:26 AM
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I think we're losing sight of the issue here. I'm not talking about eliminating the cup, or anything as drastic as that.

There's a clear advantage to some teams and a clear disadvantage to other teams, as a result of the random cup draw. That's not up for debate - it definitely exists. Whether you think it's a big deal or not is debatable, which is fair enough, but it's undeniable that the disadvantage is there.

A seeded cup draw makes it much fairer, as teams in the same league will on average face teams of around about the same strength. This removes those instances where teams get significantly easier cup runs, thus removing that big advantage.

I'm not talking in absolutes here. Obviously teams can still be eliminated earlier than their league opponents and I'm not suggesting at all that this shouldn't be the case, nor that this is unfair or bad for the game. My suggestion is aimed at removing the obvious disadvantages placed on some teams as a result of something completely random.

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212354.168 in reply to 212354.167
Date: 5/30/2012 8:40:56 AM
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I disagree that there is a clear disadvantage. I'd suggest that both teams receive slightly different, but overall equal, advantages.

If a team gets an easyish run in the cup, they can play TIE more often and get 50k winnings each week.

If a team gets a hard match in the cup and loses first round they have the advantage of being able to maintain gameshape and train much more easily. They are also able to beat teams that are still in the cup by playing their full side because the other team needs to reserve some of their good players for the cup. These extra wins increase attendance in your arena which means more money. And allows you to be higher on the league standings which means you can avoid relegation and might even get to play in the playoffs.

In other words, there are advantages and disadvantages to being in the cup and not being in the cup, and in the end they are balanced out.

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212354.169 in reply to 212354.168
Date: 5/30/2012 8:56:05 AM
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I'm talking about situations where teams can easily get away with playing their lessor players in the cup without even having to worry about it affecting their training or gameshape.

For example, let's say my II league opponent gets knocked out in round 1 because they have to play an ABBL team that they are unable to compete with, while I get a run of IV bots and/or new players for the first few weeks. I'm clearly at a huge advantage compared to my league opponent who didn't have the same opportunity at an easy cup run like me.

If a team gets a hard match in the cup and loses first round they have the advantage of being able to maintain gameshape and train much more easily.

This is also entirely possible under a seeded draw. There's nothing stopping you from throwing your cup match if you don't want to be in the cup because it's easier to train and maintain gameshape by being eliminated. At least everyone is afforded a fairly equal opportunity in the first place though, from which they are then able to make a decisions about what's best for their team.

From: Axis123
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212354.170 in reply to 212354.169
Date: 5/30/2012 10:17:56 AM
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Enthusiasm is ridiculous.

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212354.171 in reply to 212354.169
Date: 5/30/2012 4:14:07 PM
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Wouldn't a seeded cup draw give a hugely unfair advantage to ABBL teams? They would be gauranteed easy teams for many many weeks. This makes it even harder for teams to catch up to the ABBL teams.

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212354.172 in reply to 212354.171
Date: 5/30/2012 8:41:42 PM
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don't forget to get your tips in if you want to compete


Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
This Post:
212354.173 in reply to 212354.171
Date: 5/30/2012 8:56:26 PM
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No, ABBL teams are playing against each other in the league anyway, so there's no advantage.

This Post:
212354.174 in reply to 212354.173
Date: 5/31/2012 2:25:35 AM
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You missed my point.
If the cup is seeded each ABBL team will win their first 4 or 5 cup games very very easily because they will constantly play bots and div 4 teams. This is essentially free income for them.
On the other hand, div 2 teams will draw div 3 teams, which means that many div 2 teams and div 3 teams will get knocked out in the early rounds of the cup.

This means that the teams in div 2 and div 3 are getting less income from the cup compared to the ABBL teams.
This means that it is even harder for div 2 teams and div 3 teams to beat ABBL teams.

In addition, because the ABBL will have very easy cup games every week for the first few weeks, they will have very high enthusiasm. On the other hand, div 2 teams that make it past the first few rounds will have had to play tough teams to get there, which means their enthusiasm might be lower and that is another disadvantage.
