Joshua Doe: I'm here in a desolate Linndale locker room with Coach Pio Reina. Coach, this was a heartbreaker.
Pio Reina: These men fought. Their worked their butts off. They did everything we asked of them. We rebounded. We defended. We just couldn't get the shots to drop at the end. Most importantly, I dropped the ball. We didn't have an answer for Sciukas, and that was on me.
Byron Helm: Nah, man. Can't let you take that bullet. Who were you going to move to the bench? We didn't have the data to know if Stojakevic or Rongjing would handle coming off the bench.
Marshall Richards: Don't do this, Pio. You did not lose this game. Sometimes, everyone knows what's coming and you just gotta stop it. They knew what we were going to do and they stopped it just enough to escape.
Joshua Doe: Gentlemen, I have to ask---
Carlos Frias: No you don't. This ain't on Coach Reina. This is on us. He worked us and drilled us and helped us improve. He made us better, but we just didn't improve enough to get the win.
Joshua Doe: Outside shooting was a problem all season, and reared it's head tonight as well.
Air Allnite: Maybe you didn't watch the season. We focused a lot on the inside game because we recognized quickly the outside game isn't for us this season. It wasn't a dependable weapon. I promise you, if they keep me on staff, outside shooting will be a weapon. We will have more weapons offensively, and defensively... you already know.
Piotr Bolibok: Defense will be better. Passing will be better. Rebounding will be better.
Joshua Doe: Pio, will Air be back?
Pio Reina: No changes on the staff. We're gonna bring this group back, players and coaches. We're pissed off and we're gonna take it out on everyone we can. We'll see Jumpstop again down the road, and we will remember.
Joshua Doe: A somber mood in the locker room after a disappointing and deflating loss in the relegation series. Back to you in the studio, Happy.
Last edited by Speedtraps at 2/28/2024 9:27:33 AM