The playoffs are closing in. A couple of notes:
In the Big 8 all of the talk goes to Dong Energy and Cathar, but Swanson has won 10 straight now (with quality wins such as Dong Energy, Flash Mashers and the Traptors). East Gary has also won 4 straight and 11 of 12. Don't fall asleep on those guys!
One more loss for Pimps in Training or a win from either Jack Acid or Lake Charles would assure relegation. Bummer, friend.
Still a log jam in spots 3-7 in the Great 8. Advantage right now to Extra Crispy with the PD lead, plus an anticipation of losses for Eclypze.
Flash Mashers now has 4 straight games with a sensational or better inside scoring rating. Don't plan on stopping him inside at this point.
1. Flash Masher, 21.006. A Dong loss and absurd ratings gives him back the #1 spot.
2. Dong Energy, 19.853
3. Cathar Heretics, 14.514
4. East Gary Eagles, 10.157
5. Toronto Traptors, 9.751
6. Ron Swanson, 8.590. Should be higher after 10 straight...
7. Extra Crispy, 2.158
8. Natellio, -1.295
9. Lake Charles, -3.536. Big win there against Jack. A loss would have been bad news.
10. Jack Acid, -4.309
11. Pimps In Training, -9.276. Tenth best average rating, but just can't get wins. Big bummer.
12. Door Mats, -10.404. We're waiting for you win streak!!
13. Eclypze, -10.594.
14. Lengends, -11.699. Takes 5th place outright, but needs a couple more to secure it.
15. 2 Left Feet, -12.020
16. Marshland Mammals, -20.063