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Buying a player!!

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111645.17 in reply to 111645.16
Date: 9/19/2009 6:07:16 PM
1986 Celtics
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I'm not trying to be annoying, but just to point out, unfortunately we can't tell what the player WOULD have done. For instance, it is very probable that the team that bought your player, was in the market for a player of that kind, and made the decision to pursue the player you were bidding over rather than the another player... but maybe if the price had gone up a little bit they would have changed their mind and bought a different player. Now of course that different player isn't available anymore and then we would have to let him bid on that player too... and so on and so on.

I think you are right about back to the future.. you can't generally go back in time, change one thing, and expect everything to remain the same.

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111645.18 in reply to 111645.17
Date: 9/19/2009 6:55:59 PM
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I see your point, i guess i am just a little frustrated about it so i did not want to give up! Thanks anyways.

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111645.19 in reply to 111645.17
Date: 9/20/2009 4:29:27 PM
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I had exactly the same very bad problem today.
I was looking for trainee for over couple of weeks, going through basically all IV league draft results! Communicating with owners of interesting prospects, sending close to 100 BB-mails. At last I managed to convince one manager to put his player on the market and was going after him with all my funds. What happens is just 10 minutes before his deadline I couldn't access this player's page to make my bid. After 15 minutes everything was running smoothly again! And player went to other club for around 2M. I would have overbid that many many times, my wish was fair auction. This is very unpleasant bug, I was totally mad- all my work done going to zero and exactly at "right" time, only getting this Ooops! message. I tried different browsers, logged out & in, cleared cookies- nothing helped.
Now I agreed with current owner he puts him back on market but his wish was 2.9M! If I manage to get this guy for that sum I lose in money around 1M! This big money for me especially if trying to stay up in m newly promoted league.
Is it normal that I lose because of Oops! error such amount of cash trying to do the most elementary action?

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111645.20 in reply to 111645.19
Date: 9/22/2009 8:28:56 PM
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I know exactly how you feel... hopefully this bug can be fixed very soon because i will be buying another rookie in the near future. Good luck finding another trainee! I have already found another player to go after, hopefully this wont happen again.

Last edited by Tay Zonday at 9/22/2009 8:29:12 PM

This Post:
111645.21 in reply to 111645.20
Date: 9/23/2009 7:28:37 AM
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Now I'm ready to buy "my player", around 1 hour until deadline, but the site suddenly went so slooow. I made my bid this time eary, right after player was transferlisted:)
I'm suspicious, will we (I & BB) have the same fiasco as on Sunday!? If this won't work this time I'm over with the BB.

This Post:
111645.22 in reply to 111645.21
Date: 9/23/2009 8:42:34 AM
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I had exactly the same very bad problem today.
I was looking for trainee for over couple of weeks, going through basically all IV league draft results! Communicating with owners of interesting prospects, sending close to 100 BB-mails. At last I managed to convince one manager to put his player on the market and was going after him with all my funds. What happens is just 10 minutes before his deadline I couldn't access this player's page to make my bid. After 15 minutes everything was running smoothly again! And player went to other club for around 2M. I would have overbid that many many times, my wish was fair auction. This is very unpleasant bug, I was totally mad- all my work done going to zero and exactly at "right" time, only getting this Ooops! message. I tried different browsers, logged out & in, cleared cookies- nothing helped.
Now I agreed with current owner he puts him back on market but his wish was 2.9M! If I manage to get this guy for that sum I lose in money around 1M! This big money for me especially if trying to stay up in m newly promoted league.
Is it normal that I lose because of Oops! error such amount of cash trying to do the most elementary action?

Today I got "my player". Below you see some facts on this issue:

Transfer 9/23/2009 Purchased from Gepetto Brothers Team for $ 2 900 000
Transfer 9/20/2009 Purchased from bc konguta for $ 2 034 700

There have been 55 recent transfers of 18 year old small forwards with respectable jump shot and superstar potential. Of these, the ones with skills most similar to Gerd Jahe have been selling for around $ 450 000 to $ 2 050 000.

Although I wanted this player I can't say I'm happy about this deal since it still drives me mad then I think back on last Sunday- this is by far the worst thing that happened to me during my 5 seasons in BB and on other internet games (23 seasons in HT and maybe you know how it functioned in the beginning).
Now the transfer price is big issue here- due to some technical error I coudn't make my bids during first auction and the buyer agreed to sell this player again but at clear over market price. I coudn't refuse and with stupid consistency went all the way. You may say I wasn't quite sober doing this deal but I did't want to start going through all the young Estonian draftees' owners again as I did after the draft sending out close to 100 BB-mails. This was very time-consuming and I did it with passion- wanted to find the best possible candidate for my team and nation. Too bad it highlighted on Sunday with nasty bug. Hopefully you get it out the system asap!

The reason I'm taking this issue up again is my thought of possible refund. We can't say exactly the price what would have been reached with first auction but surely we can say that would have been lower than 2,9M. Due to this bug I surely lost money, nerves, patience and all other actions with my club were also frozen because of it (arena expansion, transfer plans). I'm not sure have you done this before but this seems like a case of some refund. What is your standpoint on this issue? Waiting for your response.

Kind regards.

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111645.23 in reply to 111645.22
Date: 9/23/2009 8:50:14 AM
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I would definitely say he deserves a refund.

- He would have got the player for less if the bug had not occurred
- He lost training time for that player
- He went through a lot of trouble to even find him
- the player was sold Over TL standard price
- It took a lot of extra time and effort

- He did not have to buy him for that price

I'm sure there are more. There is only one but it is a pretty strong one. I would say he deserves a refend but the next issue would be how much.
Best of luck

This Post:
111645.24 in reply to 111645.22
Date: 9/23/2009 2:40:51 PM
1986 Celtics
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we cannot give refunds, we don't know what would have happened, giving you a refund would set a very bad standard and an impossible number of such arguments everytime something goes wrong. any decision would be entirely arbitrary and make for bad policy.

I can only offer you are apologies, however giving you a refund would be acting so far outside the framework of what we have done that we can't open that can of worms. surely you understand the nightmare of lobbying we would be faced with if we allowed for this sort of thing. Not to mention all the problems with determine if/how much should be rewarded.

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111645.25 in reply to 111645.24
Date: 9/24/2009 1:52:33 AM
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I knew that your viewpoint will be like this and I understand it although I had a slight hope that you will find appropriate way to even my bad experience and loss of money. I estimate my loss in money around 1M, not speaking about time, training, other actions with club. I guess I have to live with it and focus on surviving in highest league in my first year. I will try to get this emotion out of my mind asap, hopefully the new trainee will make me happy with his quick training progress:)

PS. Is the last tarnsfer price of my bought player all by the rules? How you have dealt overpaid players or this isn't exactly the case?

This Post:
111645.26 in reply to 111645.23
Date: 9/25/2009 11:20:01 AM
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- He did not have to buy him for that price

Period. Sad but there is no other way. Do we really want to check if everyone is telling the truth? There would be people biding over market prices (which I thought is not allowed btw) claiming the site malfunctioned when iin reality they just missed such a player on TL and are trying to get most of it by gettign him another way. I'm sure the poster is sincere but it is not a way to go.