always the same song...
i finished 5th and there's 3 weeks without tickets...
45k (10 players)
15k (1+5+3)
60k x 3 weeks = 180 of sure loses...
4500 income merchandising... x 3 weeks
-165 000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who can mantain this economy??
the ones that don't trow away their TV money if they predict they will finish fifth in the conference....
At this moment a team can run on TV money only. So I think there is a little too much income.
If you see the prises of the players on the market, you can also see that several hundred dollars is not such a huge amount.
Ofcourse, no matter how much money one gets, it can always be spend wrong, and that's when we can get into trouble.
I run a team with 24 players, I think I never had onder 20 players this season, several weeks I even had as much as 33 players. I talk about 130k in wages here, add 35k wages for staff, still my economy is prety healthy.
And don't come telling me I have it from daytrading, because I got most of it from revenue and training players and selling them. (yes I also trained a bunch, what did everyone think, I got lucky daytrading all the time?)
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.