Everyone has to admit that it was a really difficult game so,you should be sure that no one will blame you for this...I agree although with Revo that 3-2 was a not a very good choice just because the big difference in rebounding but the priority order is deffence-rebounding-offense so in this point of view there was not any other choice..In addition the most important player for this game(reffering to young,i saw his skills in TL last week)was bad shaped so...
England had a quite good team this season and this was proved in to the court,it may havent got to difficult games(could be worse surely)but it is a fact that went through the knock out round,this is some kind of succes..There are countries with more users and doing worse..Just think that England is nearly the same as Hellas(hellas has more than 2000 users)and if you add to this that active users in forum as long as i read are less than 20...But the main job for a U21 team is to train players and in this case(i do not know what was your job,next 2 seasons will prove it)i think that England should be better..I am working with absolutely less players and having some players that would be good for England too...And i cannot understand why this happening to this country,users have the main responsibility for sure..But this idea to keep players in good teams is not very good,just keep them in teams that can train them
I can feel you,when you are very happy when someone seems to be interested in U21 NT..I am U21 Malta s coach and noone seem to be interested,but in Englang you have many users to try to making them active(this threat is a very good start but seems it doesnt work eh?good try although)...Maybe some games or other tricks could be useful,but who knows?There are some countries with a large number of people on their forums..Have you ever thought what is their secret recipe?I don t know it but it could be some good start for the community...