OK...Let's talk about the effort level....I had an 8 and I wouldn't have a game for a whole week....so going Playoff Normal and gaining Enthusiam that would have went back to an 8 anyway..It just seems a Playoff CT was the only way to go.
There are outcomes in this game that are pretty much set in stone....in fact..when Sharman took his roster over the million mark for the playoffs, it was a given that I was going to get run out the gym(so toot his horn if you want) but I didn't need a crystal ball to tell me that I was overmatched. In fact..Stunners is going to get run out the building in the same way...
See...In Div.1, 2nd is the new 5th if you have a very strong older team that is the favorite. See, I get a Home Game(made 624K my cut was 416K) and then an away game against a team with a good size arena(Sharman)(my cut was 204K) and then on Monday I didn't have to pay salaries. So that wasn't that bad. What is sad is...Sharman will rent players to win the cup and he will rent players to win the JBBL, so why not rent and take a run at the BB3? Who knows...maybe next season he will.
Regarding the 9's etc., you know that GS has sub levels, right?
Yeah....everyone knows this...I was mainly talking about his strongs...If they guaranteed that all your players would go up to 9 after a GS training,(only if they were at 7 or 8) that would be worth it, but to still have strongs..that just doesn't seem worth it. And also..He didn't beat me because of the GS training, he beat me because of the extra 380K in salary. In fact..He will be able to get a 3 game Final from Stunners, there is no way he will lose a game he doesn't want to.