Hi Everyone.
I just thought it was worth bringing this thread back to the forum home screen. I would love to grow the English BB community and we get plenty of new teams signing up but then falling away from the game.
Any English BB mangers, if you want any advice/mentorship regarding tactics, training, squad building, infrastructures or anything else, feel free to get in touch with me through BB-mails. I'm by far the most knowledgeable/successful manager in England, but I am willing to help people out so they can enjoy the game even more, and hopefully expand this community.
We also have a England BuzzerBeater Discord channel: https://discord.gg/BNeQEvxb
It’s not well used at the moment but i will be more active on there if anyone wants to talk BB! I love hearing peoples plans, targets, goals, ideas in BB.
Last edited by arrowspg5 at 6/11/2022 6:23:40 PM