but weren't you the guy saying that mexicans had an advantage in the BBB because they were playing at another time that asian teams ?
that was Sharman back in the day...and he had a good point.
Example...I play a team in South America in the BB3 at 10am Japan time, that is a Thursday morning for me and a Wednesday night for the South American team. What this means is that my Enthusiasm would drop due to the Thursday morning daily update and the other team would still be on the day before Enthusiasm. Sharman thought that all BB3 games should be played at 3pm Central European Time which would be 11 pm in Asia and 8am in the Western Hemi. But all games would be played in the same 24 hour Daily update range. That is what Sharman thought, (I think it was just an excuse he made up for when he got smacked up by BB Toros).