That's not how statistic works
That's exactly like it works. You have data points above and below the average. It was clearly 27 points not 47 though. It doesn't change the point since with 27 it's still a blowout for the guests.
Both 6 and 27 would be outliers around the mean of the exact same magnitude.
Besides that, I don't you can adjust PP100 that way because of actual limitations on Points per shot.
Are you saying that the ratings were not exactly indicative of performance? In that respect I agree, but it's not what the manual says.
What would you want those ratings to display then?
The sensible average calculated based on the numbers the GE will use in the simulation. Ratings are the result of analytical formulas and I believe that the 98.6 number is incorrect as it weighs skills like it correctly did with a slightly different GE.
It's no mystery that they fiddled with the GE in the last few seasons, so if they haven't changed how ratings are calculated (both team's and scoring) we're looking at incorrect numbers and people will continue to ask why the ratings do not reflect games and how they lost although they had better ratings. Conversely, it may happen that you know you've been dominated, then you look at the ratings and it seems you would had won the game 8 times out of 10.
you can conclude they had a bad offensive game, an outlying result.
An equally valid conclusion would be that the rating is incorrect and the player had a perfectly average game.