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Deutschland - III.2 > Saison 31 - Attacke!

Saison 31 - Attacke!

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From: Kraulex

This Post:
269592.17 in reply to 269592.13
Date: 4/30/2015 3:14:03 AM
Blankenburger Metrostars
Overall Posts Rated:
Fuck Scheiße ...... was mache ich in eurer Liga, ich habe das Finale doch extra verloren, meine Lust auf BB ist absolut erloschen,

Verstehe das Problem nicht. Hier schenkst Du einfach ab, wirst letzter, holst Dir den besten Pick und schffelst mehr Geld als in Liga 4....?

This Post:
269592.18 in reply to 269592.16
Date: 4/30/2015 6:04:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ich weiss gar nicht was du immer hast, wenn du weiter nörgelst bekommst du immer ein 50:0 von mir.

This Post:
269592.19 in reply to 269592.18
Date: 4/30/2015 2:27:54 PM
Chemnitz Supersonics
Overall Posts Rated:
Bekomme ich da auch eins wenn ich nörgel?

From: kath93
This Post:
269592.20 in reply to 269592.19
Date: 5/1/2015 3:27:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ich auch ! Ich auch !

@Bilderberg: Du kannst ja nicht einmal eine Standardaufstellung !

Reicht das für 50:0 ?

This Post:
269592.21 in reply to 269592.18
Date: 5/1/2015 1:26:43 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Dann mach doch einfach die scheis Standard Aufstellung. Das kotzt jeden an und nimmt den Spaß. Dann nörgelt auch keiner mehr.
Vielleicht fehlst auch einfach dafür...

This Post:
269592.22 in reply to 269592.21
Date: 5/2/2015 1:30:37 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ja, für die die ordentlich trainieren, ist es echt Mist.

This Post:
269592.23 in reply to 269592.22
Date: 5/2/2015 2:08:36 AM
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Wahrscheinlich ist es einfach viel zu umständlich, die Standardaufstellung abzuspeichern.

This Post:
269592.24 in reply to 269592.23
Date: 5/2/2015 6:13:54 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
das wird es sein :(
kommt sicher erst im 9. semester an der uni!

This Post:
269592.25 in reply to 269592.24
Date: 5/2/2015 3:53:28 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Die 9. semester habe ich schon hinter mir und nein kam nicht ;-)

wenn ich mir die Liga so anschaue werde ich wohl noch eine Saison schön tanken und meinen zukünftigen NT Center noch ein paar B Skills verpassen.

From: Minas
This Post:
269592.26 in reply to 269592.25
Date: 5/2/2015 3:55:50 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 1 (Saturday 2 May 2015) : Performances by

Night results
AEK ATHENS B.C. 73 - Blankenburger Metrostars 111
Troumblers 106 - Meppen Hornets 67
Chemnitz Supersonics 120 - TRI-CITY RACERS 92
Palantiri Minas 87 - Borussia Jorge 70
Bilderberg Club 91 - Saxony-Kings 66
BG K-M-S 99 105 - ladypower 82
St.Adtfeld Hoops 83 - Inter Mezzo 45
StreetBallersSeattle 103 - paok nürnberg 94

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 120 : Chemnitz Supersonics
Rebounds : 58 : Palantiri Minas
Assists : 34 : BG K-M-S 99
Steals : 15 : Troumblers
Block Shots : 12 : Bilderberg Club

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 65 : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club)
Rebounds : 26 : E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Assists : 10 : M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Steals : 5 : R. Basyn (Troumblers), J. Connelly (Troumblers)
Block Shots : 5 : S. Wen Ho (Blankenburger Metrostars)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : J. Hochegger (Chemnitz Supersonics) (21 Points, 6 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 21
Shooting Guard : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (65 Points, 2 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 41
Small Forward : A. Malsburg (Blankenburger Metrostars) (29 Points, 13 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 2 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 37
Power Forward : E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS) (51 Points, 18 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50
Center : X. Qunfa (StreetBallersSeattle) (31 Points, 18 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 2 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 43

MVP of the evening
E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS) (51 Points, 18 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50

The bad performance of the evening
Y. Akyüzlü (Inter Mezzo) (0 Points, 2 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -9

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : D. Bergervoet (Meppen Hornets) : 9 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : E. García (Saxony-Kings), B. Helm (Chemnitz Supersonics), M. Giacomini (AEK ATHENS B.C.), Z. Sachinoglou (paok nürnberg) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club), P. Balingen (Bilderberg Club), M. Rehderbrücke (Bilderberg Club), A. Karterouliotis (AEK ATHENS B.C.), S. Pitsos (AEK ATHENS B.C.), L. Kameris (paok nürnberg), G. Papoutsis (paok nürnberg), A. Korakakis (paok nürnberg), I. Petrakiev (Meppen Hornets), P. Escalada (Meppen Hornets), D. Bergervoet (Meppen Hornets), A. Jähring (Meppen Hornets), A. Lemaire (Meppen Hornets), M. Inclimona (Borussia Jorge), T. Aljasmäe (Inter Mezzo), B. Tavel (Inter Mezzo), M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS), E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS), E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS), E. Lawry (TRI-CITY RACERS), Y. Lisse-Treuchel (Palantiri Minas) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : V. Gilgenheimb (Blankenburger Metrostars) : 6 Three points

The best performer : J. Connelly (Troumblers), K. Montabelo (Chemnitz Supersonics) : Rating : 14.0

The worst performer : C. Borgeln (StreetBallersSeattle) : Rating : 2.5

From: Minas
This Post:
269592.27 in reply to 269592.25
Date: 5/2/2015 3:56:39 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Season 31 : Performances (by

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 120 : Chemnitz Supersonics
Rebounds : 58 : Palantiri Minas
Assists : 34 : BG K-M-S 99
Steals : 15 : Troumblers
Block Shots : 12 : Bilderberg Club

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 65 : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club)
Rebounds : 26 : E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Assists : 10 : M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Steals : 5 : R. Basyn (Troumblers), J. Connelly (Troumblers)
Block Shots : 5 : S. Wen Ho (Blankenburger Metrostars)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : J. Hochegger (Chemnitz Supersonics) (21 Points, 6 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 21
Shooting Guard : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (65 Points, 2 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 41
Small Forward : A. Malsburg (Blankenburger Metrostars) (29 Points, 13 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 2 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 37
Power Forward : E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS) (51 Points, 18 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50
Center : X. Qunfa (StreetBallersSeattle) (31 Points, 18 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 2 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 43

MVP of the season
E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS) (51 Points, 18 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50

The bad performance of the season
Y. Akyüzlü (Inter Mezzo) (0 Points, 2 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -9

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : D. Bergervoet (Meppen Hornets) : 9 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : M. Giacomini (AEK ATHENS B.C.), B. Helm (Chemnitz Supersonics), E. García (Saxony-Kings), Z. Sachinoglou (paok nürnberg) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : A. Karterouliotis (AEK ATHENS B.C.), P. Balingen (Bilderberg Club), Y. Lisse-Treuchel (Palantiri Minas), M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS), A. Jähring (Meppen Hornets), D. Bergervoet (Meppen Hornets), M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club), B. Tavel (Inter Mezzo), P. Escalada (Meppen Hornets), I. Petrakiev (Meppen Hornets), A. Korakakis (paok nürnberg), M. Inclimona (Borussia Jorge), T. Aljasmäe (Inter Mezzo), G. Papoutsis (paok nürnberg), E. Lawry (TRI-CITY RACERS), E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS), L. Kameris (paok nürnberg), S. Pitsos (AEK ATHENS B.C.), M. Rehderbrücke (Bilderberg Club), E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS), A. Lemaire (Meppen Hornets) : 48 Minutes

The shooter of the season : V. Gilgenheimb (Blankenburger Metrostars) : 6 Three points

The best performer of the season : J. Connelly (Troumblers), K. Montabelo (Chemnitz Supersonics) : Rating : 14.0

The worst performer of the season : C. Borgeln (StreetBallersSeattle) : Rating : 2.5
