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België - II.1 > Season 54

Season 54

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311000.17 in reply to 311000.16
Date: 7/11/2021 6:25:08 PM
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Yeah I know, that's why I said, I made a mistake in my first game haha, I thought BC Gum was my rival, don't know why haha

From: Krifl
This Post:
311000.18 in reply to 311000.17
Date: 7/12/2021 6:14:52 PM
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I haven't been really active on BB, since I've been mentally exhausted lately.
A perfect example of this is my latest game @Red Fire Dragons. I slightly changed my starting line-up, but forgot to change the substitutes ... and with 2 trainees, I basically had 3 starters not playing. Then losing away by 2 with lower attitude is heartbraking, but deserved.

The goal for this season still is POs and training. Winning the trophy will be too difficult with Union in the same (strong) conference.
I can still hope for a miracle, but the chances are slim


This Post:
311000.19 in reply to 311000.18
Date: 7/19/2021 7:03:59 PM
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I hope the freedom of corona gives you some time to recharge your batteries!

To bad of your line-up... Game is not over yet, I think straight promotion this season is not possible in our league, only play-offs will give us the promotion...

One thing is sure, the red side >>> blue side, I think P4 is my goal in blue side, when I look to the red side I'm happy with winning 2-4 of 8 games against them...

This Post:
311000.20 in reply to 311000.19
Date: 7/26/2021 9:16:03 AM
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Haha AnGi stole Holderjan of me

This Post:
311000.21 in reply to 311000.20
Date: 7/27/2021 5:22:47 AM
Estrellas Absurdas
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Second Team:
Almost Innocents

I never realised that you've placed a bid...
certainely not since I started bidding
unforunately you'll have to face him every match against me now!

This Post:
311000.22 in reply to 311000.21
Date: 7/29/2021 3:52:12 PM
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Just laughing, really good player, it's gonna be sad...

This Post:
311000.23 in reply to 311000.22
Date: 7/31/2021 3:08:13 PM
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Really interesting competition, not sure what's gonna happen at the end of the season, one thing is sure, red will win the all star game

This Post:
311000.24 in reply to 311000.23
Date: 7/31/2021 3:10:34 PM
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Btw funny how you lost against Urartu but you win from Union hahaha

This Post:
311000.25 in reply to 311000.24
Date: 7/31/2021 3:19:04 PM
Obira Dragons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Obira Dragons II
I'm not strong enough to go for every game.
The Dragons go for the most important ones.

This was a television game.
But we still don't want to promote this season

Last edited by ppmmp at 7/31/2021 3:19:33 PM

This Post:
311000.27 in reply to 311000.26
Date: 8/11/2021 2:50:49 AM
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Good luck in achieving your goal.

It'll be exciting to fight for that last PO spot.
