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Stop robbing managers

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53381.17 in reply to 53381.16
Date: 10/11/2008 9:26:16 PM
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Just prepare yourself to count the corpses of abandoned teams.


I don't see any legitimate reason why the user base will not continue to expand.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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53381.18 in reply to 53381.17
Date: 10/11/2008 9:32:48 PM
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It was, and it is, also my hope...but I think that this implementation need some urgent adjustements or it would kill the amusement of many players.
I hope to be wrong, naturally...really.

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53381.20 in reply to 53381.19
Date: 10/11/2008 9:45:47 PM
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Perfect, you agree that the correct way to manage is to train and sell.
So, why are you taking away from me my first class coach?

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53381.21 in reply to 53381.20
Date: 10/11/2008 9:49:35 PM
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So, why are you taking away from me my first class coach?

I don't see anyone that has done so.

The BBs have always strived to ensure that there are difference between the divisions, so that D.I is clearly stronger than D.II, and so on.

Where in real life do you see D.V teams with the top backroom staff in the country?

Last edited by Edju at 10/11/2008 9:51:13 PM

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
53381.22 in reply to 53381.13
Date: 10/11/2008 10:39:09 PM
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Just the same way you have to figure out the optimal player skills, wages and tactics. That's what the game is all about, really.

True enough. My opinion is with the 3 things you mentioned, there was already enough. Sure, some people will want to be here all day and night. I, on the other hand, thought there was already enough to this game.

My point was there are other ways to implement their vision of the staff system that could have been less time intensive. You can give users a variety of choices without bogging them down in transactions.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
53381.25 in reply to 53381.24
Date: 10/12/2008 12:23:02 AM
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And also, i just realized, about the fact that staff members' wages fluctuate every week...

why is it so? now it looks like we have to pay more attention to staff members rather than the players alone... and as far as I know, the wage system of basketball staff members would only be "in talks" every offseason... not every week.

to me, it also looks like, it is implemented as an alternative to the old system's style, that staff levels fluctuate... and i think it's not a good alternative... because of the fact, again, that staff salaries doesn't get weekly salary "talks".

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53381.26 in reply to 53381.25
Date: 10/12/2008 2:00:12 AM
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i think before we just give judgement to this certain new thing we got let us first see and work on it.

remember why nintendo should have been the best game console now ( except for the wii ) is because they never let the PS which they paid sony to do research and development have a chance since they scratch the bloody thing who did become the best game console of a few years and which company benefited :D

i was ranting too couple of days ago, but its already said they are not forcing you to get those level 6 or 7 if you want them then you have to really get them.

since a level 5 is already equal to level 9 and 10,its enough to say that you got something than can give you constant result as before and not having the pain of knowing you cant get a level 9 or 10 trainer.

truth is im still pissed since and i agree that right now almost all players relies on the buy and sell of players especially from the ones they developed through training due to the economic down sizing and now plus this,

so getting a higher trainer makes them to train faster, not only that they can sell those bastards and get return money fast but we also have to see that every week this guys increase wages but since there will come a time they cant seem to say its worth anymore and bam back to buying staff again and most probably they will win unless someone who really save enough cash to rally himself to win.

all im saying is, life inst fair my friends we just have to take what we want and do something about it.

really its tough :P but im going to be optimistic, i believe the bb's have consider a lot of factors so im riding this through

This Post:
53381.27 in reply to 53381.2
Date: 10/12/2008 5:08:52 AM
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Under the new system, you can always switch to a new one who is available when the current one becomes to expensive, but if you don't like the choices on the market, you can always simply continue having a high-level staff member for as long as you are willing to keep paying for it.

So the way I see it, we're adding an option that wasn't there before. I don't expect this particular system will take money away. Rather, I expect that the signing bonuses added to staff salaries will result in a similar total to what it was before.

Ah, you are assuming rational behaviour from economic subjects? Good luck

I like the changes to the staff system, but I'm not so sure that we'll come to similar totals as before. There are a few reasons who might prevent that.
1) BB isn't a closed economy. With many teams joining weekly you have a steady flow of cash incoming, created from thin air. Some of these managers may simply bid an unreasonable amount of money in a particular specialist
2) Some high rank teams may simply decide that a level 7 trainer is priceless. That may lead to an increase expense in that kind of trainers if many keep a similar reasoning.
3) Not everyone is a skilled manager. One could simply lack the knowledge/time/interest to stop and make a complex calculation like a bid equal to the discounted cash flow of the expected salary in the expected number of weeks.
