the topic is joining and leaving the same day . . .
by what i understands, you cant blame or do much for this kind of people why. if they just click or type the website because of advertisement or word of mouth and had that curiousity of joining but at the same day after seeing what he can analyze or understand and said . . . boring . .. . difficult, man! this is crazy , and decided not for me. you cant do soo much.
playing this game you need to time, patience and interest in either manager online games or even basketball at least.
because you really need time to understand the game and how it run not to mention how to run your team, understanding the players you have and how they should play so you can maximize your talent and get wins.
when i first join this game, aside from its through a friend. but you know what is the best because i got a live tutor that you can say on my side and help me work on my team.
i never got the feel of really getting players trained . . . i spend my whole first and and 2nd season not really training and yes level 1 trainer and only decided to buy a level 10 trainer, see how i wasted 3 of my best players then that they didnt actually develop .. . (really sorry matsui , yes the team misses you! told you to pas the ball and play D but no you just have to keep shooting)
so when i started its all about working on the players that i have, do you know how much hours i spent analyzing what is the best player for a certain postion and scouting endless hours how to set my game with a certain players.
because i dont have the money i have to settle for good to mid average guys who just help me patch what my team is slacking in.
lastly if a new player comes to play, at first you really would realize how many things you need to do. first is you wanna win with the bunch of jippies you have as so called players on your team. second how do you win oh oh how can i earn money oh oh i have to increase my arena, players can be trained . . . . ohoh you need a level 5 trainer at least etc etc etc
there is no point of promotion, putting them directly with soo much human controlled teams can easily crush your enjoyment because you have a larger chance to lose all the time.
what im saying is, if your in a bot league you got more time to wiggle around and feel this game and your team. plus its not hard to analyze how to play against bots so if a new player gets wins the interest bar indicator goes way up higher
there is no pressure so much that wants to push one player to quickly do something because his team is in deep $hit and needs to fix it pronto!
imagine what would be the outcome of someone doing something quickly without understanding soo much what should be , aside from money wasted and if that decision made the situation bad not saying worst and he got no more money then i guess you wont see him logging in anymore.