Very good set of questions. The answers can be found in a locked Russian vault next to the small pox virus.
Here are the likely scenarios:
Use a CT and cripple my enthusiasm for next two crucial B3 matches as well jeapordise my run of games towards the playoffs. Will take at least 6 games of TIE to get my enthusiasm back to the levels I have now which is also takes longer because I don't have the luxury of Cup games to use TIE. CT and beat Sid but still run the risk of losing other league games due to the vulnerability.
Or TIE Sid and CT Vios to secure the 13th win and sell up. 13 wins in any season will secure a top 5 spot, its been proven every single season in the ABBL. This is a great way to bank money. Can probably bank in 350k net profit for the next 5 weeks which means $1.75mil not including the sales of the players. Thats 3-4mil to play around with next season. But whats the point of having money if you dont have the glory to go with it?
But then again I've got my Cup, I've got my ABBL ttile, I might choose the path of the Direwolf's and the whitebeards... or I can choose the path of Zazzocalypse and inflict some damage to Sid?