I think that it would be much better if we could sort this data, or at least it should be sorted as it is now in the statistcs of the team ("old" site).
Also that there would be a trading in the position on it in the menu, we should have first team then subs and then statistics.
In the Manage my Team menu, under training it should be nice to have ALL the trainable players for that week with minutes, that is if you choose to have PG and SG training JS, then we should view ALL trainable players in those positions with minutes.
In the transfer list menu i think it's time to have detail to it, and have more search options than the usual 4, that would make it easy to search and target specific players.
In training i also think it´s time to revamp it, and have more options to train some positions. I still can´t fully understand why there are positions (SF and PF) that have no skills with direct training.
We should have the possibility to train at least 3 single skills for each position, another 3 or 4 skills when training 2 positions, and another 3 or 4 when training 3 positions.
Overall i think it´s a pretty good job so far, but i´m sure it will be much better after all the sugestions.