Try avoid the TEA bags? Must be hard when there's one growing off your forehead!!
Alright, so the current Australian TEA division 1, Season 1 comp includes the teams of:
Vis Maior (the one and only, Kilrtom!
Vios Violationers (Violator)
The Dons (Donnyb)
Hadders Heroes (Hadders)
West Coast Steel (Matt Steel)
Monkey Business (MonkeyBiz)
Hobos (F-Rat)
and unconfirmed
Amos Rogues (Zyler)
I know there's others, send me a mail before I start the TEA Season 1 promotional tour!
Last edited by Kilrtom at 8/28/2010 12:41:14 AM
Manager of the Bahamas National Team!