@Bobbanana and General Manager Nick.
I'm not a mod/gm but....
this discussion is about 2nd team, not about "what do you think is the right feature to have best number of supporters?".
I think there is a right space where you can discuss about other suggestion than this.
This topic will be so long, and it will be difficult to follow every think/idea, if 10 consecutive posts are about something different, it generates confusion and free off topic.
I'm not against it, but just try to mantain a certain order.
After it: I'm discussing about advantage of "more matches" for supporters.
1) Do you really think you can copy exactly your roster? Because if i want an experiment, i have to made the same with all the situation. And it's senseless experiment the functioning of LI with an 800k Salary roster when with the other team i can afford only 300k wage or vice versa. And this is the normal situation.
2)Do you know you can use the same amount of the match to "scout" and experiment things? I've an User in my league, no supporter, who simply watching my matches and reports, can define the skillset of a player. And he has from 80 to 95% chances to guess it. So it's not properly a "guess". I did that "game" last time on Saturday matches, he define my C Skillset with only 1 big error, OD, where he gave +3 than real value. Except this, he describes the skillset with only 2 (1 value) skill error.