Look if a manager buys a player from div5 a 1 million$ player and top team buys a million dollar player. Who are you to say the div5 team can not afford that.? Oh because he's new in division 5 . So what.? He earned the money the same damn way the top manger did. What the big difference. If that is case and you feel so dang strong about it. Then get off my damn back and get the Gm back with a letter among your peers back to remove the free agent and buying market. no buying player period. Fair is fair right.
You are being deliberately thick or are just remarkably obtuse. There are no players with a million dollar salary, nobody with even close to that, so that's a meaningless example. You can buy a player for whatever amount you feel like he's worth, unless that player's WEEKLY SALARY is much too high. The problem has never been players who are legitimately worth a lot of money, it's been the players with 200k+ salaries that new players see on the list for cheap and think are a bargain, only to have their team bankrupt a month later.
I have 2 player on my team worth 2 million each, I'm making more revenue than everyone else. If you think it false then hats off to you. A good manager is good manager and can win with a good/bad team. Buying players don't mean a damn thing unless they know how to play those players. At the end of the day it how you play them.
I don't think there's a single player on your roster that any non-cheater would even pay one million for, let alone two million. And your revenues aren't that impressive either - 150k for your last home game, your salaries are almost 180k, so you're basically making a decent operating profit from the TV contract and maybe merchandise, but hardly an earth-shattering amount of money.
Just because you buy good players in the low league don't mean your team is the second coming of 1950-60's ucla. No instant wins because you bought a player.
My salaries were lower than yours when I was in IV. Heck, I never had a 60k salary player until I was pushing for promotion out of III. But nobody's saying my team's the second coming of UCLA - I'm just saying that you still have never given a reason why a rule that would allow you personally to buy all but one of the players who won the B3 title if they were on the market is somehow unfairly restricting your ability to compete in IV.