Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 4-5 weeks
Trains HN @ 4-5 weeks
Trains DV @ 4-5 weeks
Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains IS @ 4-5 weeks
Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 4-5 weeks
With the latest edition of now being able to train SG/SF in Jump Shot are you sure of the differences in this regime? From looking at this it would make no sense to train the wingmen and arguably the forwards (unless you really wanted the IS) if you can get handling and driving to pop by just positioning your trainees in the PG slot instead... of PF or SG.... also if the speed for training Outside shooting is the same for PG/SG as JS is for the same positions then you may as well stick with JS as it appears you will get a HN pop for free!
or are you waiting for some help on expanding and elaborating on these sections?
i have followed them as a guide and hope in a few more weeks i can show some sort of findings although my players were no doubt sub level so probably not accurate until theyve had 2 pops in the different skills (could be a while!)