ABBL Draft Sucks Again
I had 122 points and seeing as the best guys were drafted in the second round this season I thought I would do some drafting. What a pile of rubbish! Mllama will be so upset. There is yet again no five ball potential 18 year olds at all in the draft. It will be like in my tanking season when the best player in the draft will be a perennial allstar. I have checked every three ball skill or higher 18 year old and every five ball skill 19 year old and there is nothing.
So the prize in this year's ABBL draft is likely to be a short center with atrocious OD and low potential. Perhaps he would like a low potential 19 year old center with great starting skills?
I would think it is scripted to balance the leagues but I know it is random. I was just hoping to be able to draft someone I can train myself but with almost all five ball skill players having two or less potenial, only a couple of four/four players I will be likely getting a three/three for my efforts. If it wasn't so hard to get an Aussie trainee it wouldn't matter but this season I bid $800,000-$1,200,000 on five different trainees none of which was worth nearly that much and still lost out in every case.
I haven't trained a foreigner for seasons but it looks like with this pathetic draft and the incredible inflated prices for Australian talent that I need to either throw away a fortune or look overseas.