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Should the NBA retire Jordan's 23?? (thread closed)

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111466.18 in reply to 111466.1
Date: 9/16/2009 9:40:11 AM
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Michael at his prime was the most loved person in America and perhaps in the world.

This is a considerable overstatement.He MAY have been the most respected basketball player of his time. He may have been the most loved person in Israel, I don't know, I don't live there. He was just a basketball player, and a damn good one.

This Post:
111466.19 in reply to 111466.12
Date: 9/16/2009 9:44:41 AM
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that's totally different because in America other than anywhere else you can wear 91 (Rodman). In Footbal (Soccer) and Basketball in Europe, it's not posibble, or at least not happening...

By the way there are 101 numbers. don't forget you have 00 too. not only 0.

Nobody in Europe will wear #91 because of Dennis Rodman???? Please tell me this is a joke. If Americans retired #'s because of guys like Rodman, there wouldnt be any #'s left.

Rodman worship=low, low standards.

This Post:
111466.20 in reply to 111466.16
Date: 9/16/2009 11:52:58 AM
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as to jordan, even without moving teams i dont think anyone can do his feat of 6 championships in a decade or in a 10 years span

I'm surprised no Celtics fans have jumped all over this comment. Bill Russell, anyone?

This Post:
111466.21 in reply to 111466.16
Date: 9/16/2009 12:12:34 PM
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as to jordan, even without moving teams i dont think anyone can do his feat of 6 championships in a decade or in a 10 years span.

Bill Russell was unsuccessful at not winning titles for 8 straight years.

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Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
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This Post:
111466.22 in reply to 111466.21
Date: 9/16/2009 2:58:19 PM
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His number shouldn't be retired by anyone except the Bulls. It'd be best if he just faded into the background and disappeared like most other hall of famers do and let the current players have their time in the spotlight. Apparently he's either not capable or not willing to do that and the press willingly goes along with it.

This Post:
111466.23 in reply to 111466.22
Date: 9/16/2009 3:09:41 PM
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Rick Reilly absolutely took a dump on MJ today.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
111466.24 in reply to 111466.19
Date: 9/16/2009 4:26:42 PM
Ramat-Ilan Pilots
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The Flutzer Fleatzers

that's totally different because in America other than anywhere else you can wear 91 (Rodman). In Footbal (Soccer) and Basketball in Europe, it's not posibble, or at least not happening...

By the way there are 101 numbers. don't forget you have 00 too. not only 0.

Nobody in Europe will wear #91 because of Dennis Rodman???? Please tell me this is a joke. If Americans retired #'s because of guys like Rodman, there wouldnt be any #'s left.

Rodman worship=low, low standards.

you misunderstood me. Nobody can wear a 91# jersey in Europe because it is not allowed. i mentioned Rodman as as somebody who wore the number. you are right, nobody really knows him from outside the NBA fans circle.

This Post:
111466.25 in reply to 111466.18
Date: 9/16/2009 4:27:54 PM
Ramat-Ilan Pilots
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The Flutzer Fleatzers
Michael at his prime was the most loved person in America and perhaps in the world.

This is a considerable overstatement.He MAY have been the most respected basketball player of his time. He may have been the most loved person in Israel, I don't know, I don't live there. He was just a basketball player, and a damn good one.

I'll tell you why i believe that's true. Tiger Woods was considered the most loved person in America a few years ago.

This Post:
111466.26 in reply to 111466.25
Date: 9/16/2009 4:29:00 PM
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Michael Jordan was never the most loved person in New York. I can vouch for that one

This Post:
111466.27 in reply to 111466.22
Date: 9/16/2009 4:29:17 PM
Ramat-Ilan Pilots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Flutzer Fleatzers
His number shouldn't be retired by anyone except the Bulls. It'd be best if he just faded into the background and disappeared like most other hall of famers do and let the current players have their time in the spotlight. Apparently he's either not capable or not willing to do that and the press willingly goes along with it.

lol did someone said Bret Pavre??/

This Post:
111466.28 in reply to 111466.16
Date: 9/16/2009 5:03:38 PM
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Gretzky really opened up the NHL to a large part of the United States. His move to Los Angeles and their success was the precursor to the NHL (over-) expanding south. Also, I think a lot of clubs moved from their long time Canada home cities to western and southern states with larger cities and market places. Not sure all these changes will be long-term positives, but that's kind of what got the ball rolling.

Still, hockey in California is still way behind the other major teams sports in popularity.

I think when the LA Galaxy signed Beckham, they were hoping for something similar. Unfortunately, I don't think its working out so well.
