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Small Forward

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118122.18 in reply to 118122.15
Date: 11/9/2009 1:12:57 AM
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Oh man, this topic is killing me as well... So maybe someone of the more experienced players can give me a little help with their opinion to my SFs:
I´m training outside skills and i have 3 of them, and i´m really not to sure how to train them exactly and how long i can go on. Rigth now i´m switching between JS, OD, and 1-2 times a season Driving (my SG need that).

Thats how they look like:

Lin Mingcai (9261830)
Shooting Guard

Weekly salary: $ 7 245

DMI: 45000
Age: 20
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: star
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: proficient
Outside Def.: strong Handling: strong
Driving: inept Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: strong Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: strong Free Throw: average

Hansrolf Gruse (5769412)
Power Forward

Weekly salary: $ 23 399

DMI: 237400
Age: 22
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: proficient

Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: awful
Driving: strong Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: prolific Inside Def.: sensational
Rebounding: strong Shot Blocking: strong
Stamina: average Free Throw: inept

biratan Martim (5685996)
Power Forward

Weekly salary: $ 26 215

DMI: 112500
Age: 22
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: allstar
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: awful
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: strong
Driving: proficient Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: prominent Inside Def.: sensational
Rebounding: prominent Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: average Free Throw: awful

Tey all need different training, this Martim is pretty nice but already 22 and pretty tall, Gruse is small and allstar but hast weak OD and HN - wow, what can i do?

I would single position train OD (i know tough but rewarding) all of them... top guy will become a top SG (doesnt have RB) and the 3rd guy is a bit old so the sooner the better with him... middle guy with a bit of luck will become a BEAST.

Nice dilemma.. just discipline yourself training wise and if it means sacrificing a few games along the way I'd do it.... if you can get them all up 5 levels of OD you should be unstoppable relative to your competition.

I would not waste any time training Jump Range... it ill go up a little bit with normal JS training and the guy that should become your long term SG is already proficient... 1 more pop there should be more than enough..

OD first, second and third.. then worry about the other skills!

This Post:
118122.19 in reply to 118122.18
Date: 11/9/2009 4:23:27 AM
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Hey everybody, thank you very much!
You really helped me a lot!

From: JohnnyB
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118122.20 in reply to 118122.19
Date: 11/9/2009 7:47:47 AM
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Ive bought:
Jump Shot: prolific Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: tremendous Handling: prominent
Driving: strong Passing: awful
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: inept
Stamina: average Free Throw: prominent

As a short term solution with hope to give him some spot training, and make my SF hole smaller.

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118122.21 in reply to 118122.20
Date: 11/9/2009 8:00:54 AM
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Great player, where were you thinking of training him? If you got him a pop in both Dr/Hand he'd be a great outside player.

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118122.22 in reply to 118122.21
Date: 11/9/2009 8:15:00 AM
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Well i bought him as SF, so i plan to train his inside skills among to my other 5 trainees. It will be hard, but if i manage to get 1 pop up on ID, IS i think that i will have in my hands a decent SF, who can cover the SG spot too. Also i liked his OD, couz my main rival has really good outside players.

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118122.23 in reply to 118122.22
Date: 11/9/2009 8:25:52 AM
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I think thats a very good plan. I also think OD is a lot more important on a SF than ID. I feel that it is taken into account a lot more at that position and the Newbie Thread also interestingly puts more emphasis on a SF having OD than a SG having OD which I have seen reflected in the player ratings

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118122.24 in reply to 118122.23
Date: 11/9/2009 9:40:35 AM
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i think it often depend on the opposing player, i amde good ecperience with balanced OD and ID i think the must guys who say OD is more important just mean that you had sligthly more OD like 10-20 percent. I would least watch to get him on OD 8-9 fast.

This Post:
118122.25 in reply to 118122.18
Date: 11/9/2009 11:24:36 AM
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Can you help me with this SF... He is 20 years old and has decent skills so far. I want to make him a really good SF. He has Strong ID and OD already but I am having a tough time training him to pop in JR and handling. What do you guys suggest?

DMI: 34600
Age: 20
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: strong Handling: inept
Driving: proficient Passing: average
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: average

This Post:
118122.26 in reply to 118122.25
Date: 11/9/2009 11:38:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Can you help me with this SF... He is 20 years old and has decent skills so far. I want to make him a really good SF. He has Strong ID and OD already but I am having a tough time training him to pop in JR and handling. What do you guys suggest?

DMI: 34600
Age: 20
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: inept
Outside Def.: strong Handling: inept
Driving: proficient Passing: average
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: average

I'd again try if possible to add 2 levels of OD and ID.... ideally 3-4... he might look strange vs other players out there but for certain if you didnt want him he would keep his value on the transfer market a lot more than if his next 6-8 pops were just JS/IS/HD/DR.

Rightly or wrongly i still train with a view to selling in mind and then with the cash I try to buy either a younger or higher skille player at the same age to the guy ive just sold. So, I try to add skills to make the player more valuable (which may not always be optimal for performance.) So if he is staying in your team for many many seasons, you might want to vary up the training but if you are trying to profit then I still think Defense is the most sought after skill that people pay for.