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From: Kivan

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130923.18 in reply to 130923.17
Date: 2/10/2010 10:00:08 PM
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just for record :
on mondays there are the National teams games
on wednesday there are the BuzzerBeater Best games

so only day during the week with no real activity is sunday, and one day should be free

This Post:
130923.19 in reply to 130923.16
Date: 2/10/2010 10:30:32 PM
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I guess creating a draft in the beginning of the season gives a good chance for a league full of friends to trade info.

I think that the problem could be bypassed keeping the players in the list not identified. The same player should have different position in different teams' list. Imagine I've scouted twice the player no. 7 of my draft list: I couldn't pass the informations to my two friends simply because the player in position 7 of their list is a different one.

and we already have this and it works pretty much well...

I would go for draft system change into every week scouting system as that would make more sense and would be more useful...

As I wanna scout more then one time just small players (I just do`nt need big ones)...

Getting some info after each week scouting:
1st time age, height and position,
2nd potential and rating balls with mark,
3rd three skils: RB/ID/IDorOD/OD/PA (C/PF/SF/SG/PG)+JS+JR/IS (PG/SG--SF/PF/C)

using 4 scouts system as we have know.
1st would need just one scout to get info
2nd visit could be done just by using 2 scouts on one exact player that week
3rd visit could be done just by using all 4 scouts on one exact player that week

Last edited by ZyZla at 2/10/2010 10:35:40 PM

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: CrazyEye

This Post:
130923.20 in reply to 130923.19
Date: 2/11/2010 2:31:03 AM
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i mentioned it in the past from time to time, the indentifier through high could be avoided in giving it labels like M, L, XL etc. And to be honest this would also be realistic, because it is rarely seen that the high of a basketball player is measured correctly.

From: ZyZla

This Post:
130923.21 in reply to 130923.20
Date: 2/11/2010 5:35:42 AM
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as well there could be 60 players instead of 48 on the list, so in this case 12 player wont be drafted by any team and just die

Having this amount of players on the list as well as they have different numbers on each teams list it`s almost impossible to share the info... And if they try so in best possible way they`ll know something around 10 players (but they have to be scouted to compare, so it`s no advantage for any of those team as they know that player anyway) Don`t forget that they have to be scouted 3 times for comparing would be 100% accurate, so if they both each spending 10k+20k+40k=70k on one player, so let them share that info that they have scouted the same player and fight for him, who`ll get the better draft pick

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
This Post:
130923.22 in reply to 130923.14
Date: 2/11/2010 6:12:19 AM
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Can you get over yourself? In every post the game is about you, you, you.
There are people who cheat, there are people who share info, there are people who have multiple teams, there are people who daytrade etc. It does not have to be your league. But do you understand that having the draft appearing at the start of the season, will create a good platform for info sharing.
I am not against having draft info every week, but it has to be thought through thoroughly.

This Post:
130923.23 in reply to 130923.16
Date: 2/11/2010 6:24:23 AM
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Yes you have different numbers on those players. You still see player rating and his position (one time scouted). Different teams scout different players twise. So creating a draft list from 3 teams scouting combined, will give you an advantage over a team that does not have that info. I would really like to have power over my scouts (of who he will scout), but thinking about the abuse of that system makes me cautious. Even with a 3 day window you can clean up the slate with a few friends. We all know which players will not get scouted twise;) I will not write how to use that system easily in the forums. If you can't think of a way, drop me a BB-mail I will elaborate on this case. It starts with one team scouting every player once -> from there you can use your imagination.

Last edited by Kukoc at 2/11/2010 6:25:33 AM

From: ZyZla

This Post:
130923.24 in reply to 130923.22
Date: 2/11/2010 6:25:34 AM
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you would spend your time in better way if you wont comment somebody who writes more or less useless posts but comment post there the suggestion how to do that or that lies.

No offense, but you last post probably will be taken as personal and go far off-topic after that...

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: Kukoc

This Post:
130923.25 in reply to 130923.24
Date: 2/11/2010 6:33:04 AM
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I wrote 2 comments ;) But I will take your advice and try not to respond to Steve :P

From: ZyZla

This Post:
130923.26 in reply to 130923.23
Date: 2/11/2010 6:41:12 AM
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Yes you have different numbers on those players. You still see player rating and his position (one time scouted). Different teams scout different players twise. So creating a draft list from 3 teams scouting combined, will give you an advantage over a team that does not have that info. I would really like to have power over my scouts (of who he will scout), but thinking about the abuse of that system makes me cautious. Even with a 3 day window you can clean up the slate with a few friends. We all know which players will not get scouted twise;) I will not write how to use that system easily in the forums. If you can't think of a way, drop me a BB-mail I will elaborate on this case. It starts with one team scouting every player once -> from there you can use your imagination.

if there would be 60 or maybe even 80 players on the list and you would get just info about age, height (S,M,X,XL,XXL) and position, so don`t you think that there will be a least 4 same looking players if we compare any with all others??? And that would take 15 weeks(60 players) just to get all that info... And even if both teams could manage to do that, what they could compare then having totally different list (your nr1 is his nr28 and so on)... But if you`ll manage to get 8 teams to work together in one league so I would congrat you with such a work done to reveal just couple of players full info and what if all that work goes for getting info of useless players for your and other 4 teams of 8... And if we make 80 players list so it would take 20 week to scout every of them once with all the teams participating spending 40k each week...

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: Kukoc

This Post:
130923.27 in reply to 130923.26
Date: 2/11/2010 7:13:43 AM
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I think creating 60 or 80 players is not a solution. In that case there can be great players, that might not be drafted at all (just because they might randomly not get scouted). Let's try to stick to those 48 draftees.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
130923.28 in reply to 130923.27
Date: 2/11/2010 7:24:23 AM
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I think creating 60 or 80 players is not a solution. In that case there can be great players, that might not be drafted at all (just because they might randomly not get scouted). Let's try to stick to those 48 draftees.

but this will make drafting intresting and not the low budget numbers like today ;)

The original proporse here also is more a low budget one, because you'll get most important informations with the first view and you could also decide not to visit twice.
