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Κατηγορια V

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138765.18 in reply to 138765.16
Date: 4/10/2010 9:59:52 AM
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mhn to skeftesai kan...anevaineis kai fetos megalwse to ghpedo sou...giati tou xronou me thn anodo tha exeis polla eishthria sto ghpedo...kai efkairia gia na vgaleis polla lefta apo eishthria tou xronou...egw pou hmoun idia periptwsh me sena vgazw 100.000 ton kathe agwna entos edras...kai apo 20 tou mhnos pou tha mpoune oi nees times akoma pio polla....aneva mhn to skeftesai...+200.000 bonus anodou.... to kalo fetos einai oti efoson paizeis mono me botakia...mporeis na vgaleis poly efkola proponhseis stous paiktes pou proponeis...
kai na aneveis IV...mhn fovasai den prokeitai na peseis....sthn IV (sthn pleiopshfia toulaxiston twn omilwn) yparxoun polloi anenergoi gia na peftoun...tha eisai arxontas kai tou xronou...kai opws eipe kai o prohgoumenos...tha synexiseis thn proponhsh sou tou xronou...

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138765.19 in reply to 138765.18
Date: 4/10/2010 11:20:10 AM
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Euxaristw poly paidia gia th voithia. Widika esy krepaleon me voithises perissotero!

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138765.20 in reply to 138765.11
Date: 4/15/2010 5:40:39 AM
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paidia xeretai posoi anebainoun;