Very bad idea.
If i put a player with a crazy price on the market,my objective could be not to sell him immediately at that price,but to show him to some potential buyer,to find a compromise with him for the future price of the player(that i will put again on the market,at the right price this time).Why I should be punished to pursue this perfectly legal practice?
There's yet the TPA system,which isn't perfect,but surely works,to protect the users from who try to make some dirty job(but in TPA system there should be also more control on some decisions made by some less experienced GM,sometimes really questionable)
And this
The point of this addition is... to lessen GM work.
is not a good argument for this idea,because we cannot introduce worst thing in the game because Gms have "too work".It would be better to create more Gms to eliminate the ovverruns works,than improve the game in a worse way,as happened for the transfer threads previously