And what if the mnager elected doesn't care about the other players in his league and doesn't want the bother of picking a side for the ASG?
Humans can't even agree on who deserves NBA Legendary ratings so why does it suddenly become this great idea that a human picks the team for his conference? Especially when he can't choose his own players (so he misses out on the fun of seeing his players in the game), at least one of whom probably deserves to be there, seeing as this voted for manager will in theory be one of the best in his conference.
When the computer does it no one can accuse it of bias and it can select from the full pool of players. It's just a little extra fun which you can keep track of for your own amusement, or not, as you please. Why all this fuss about nothing?
Last edited by CorruptCop at 5/13/2010 1:21:21 PM