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How important is JR in a power forward?

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From: zyler

To: Coco
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183591.19 in reply to 183591.18
Date: 5/2/2011 1:42:21 AM
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i think its more important he gets told his guys a center not a pf

From: Scipio

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183591.20 in reply to 183591.19
Date: 5/2/2011 3:41:17 AM
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Thanks for that. I have played him at centre and have been considering doing so. Of course, you`re right. His defensive weakness will be less exposed at the centre position.

Playing him at centre would cause a problem however because my current starting centre is my best inside defender and inside scorer. He has also led my league in blocking during the last two seasons. So, I am reluctant to play Hennessy at centre yet. Once he has improved more then I may move him to centre. I have aquired an 18 year old power forward to train alongside Hennessy so he may become my power forward for the future.

To be honest the biggest reason I love playing this game is because I love developing players. Seeing young players improve season after season gives me more satisfaction than winning games. Some people may think that`s wrong but hey we all play this game for different reasons.

Thanks to all of you for your comments. They are all much appreciated.


From: zyler

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183591.21 in reply to 183591.20
Date: 5/2/2011 4:10:12 AM
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hey man i know plenty of guys who for them a big reason they keep playing this game is training there young guns.

im about to join the ranks of trainers myself having got a 18 yr old very balanced mvp potential guy :)

ive invested in a lv 7 trainer to get those pops coming :)

whats your od of your current center ? if its higher then 1 he will do just as good playing pf as he will center n be less of a liability on def then your current pf

This Post:
183591.22 in reply to 183591.20
Date: 5/2/2011 4:16:58 AM
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If your C has better OD than atrocious, switch the defensive assignments so that your PF defends as C and your C defends as PF. his inside D will help against PFs quite a bit, too.

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183591.23 in reply to 183591.22
Date: 5/2/2011 4:21:39 AM
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oh come on i just said that :) (notice the smile , oh please notice the smile)

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183591.24 in reply to 183591.23
Date: 5/2/2011 4:24:01 AM
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you almost did. There was just a detail missing :)

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183591.25 in reply to 183591.24
Date: 5/2/2011 4:27:10 AM
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which was ?

This Post:
183591.26 in reply to 183591.25
Date: 5/2/2011 4:29:19 AM
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switching assignments instead of switching overall position :)

This Post:
183591.27 in reply to 183591.26
Date: 5/2/2011 4:38:14 AM
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well that would depend on his centers stats :)

From: Scipio

This Post:
183591.28 in reply to 183591.27
Date: 5/2/2011 10:20:09 AM
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My centre has only 1 in OD too. Blimey I need to revamp my front line. I need a young PF with good starting OD which I can train.
