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România - II.4 > sezon 21 - Diverse ETC ETC

sezon 21 - Diverse ETC ETC (thread closed)

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224606.18 in reply to 224606.17
Date: 8/22/2012 2:32:46 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
pana acum ne-am strans 4 insi... eu, buia, brebu si Boston Celts... mai asteptam pana dupa amicalul de joi sa vedem daca se mai inscrie careva... pe urma ne putem lansa la pareri asupra meciurilor

This Post:
224606.19 in reply to 224606.18
Date: 8/23/2012 12:06:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Salutare la toti!
Ma bag si eu. O sa dau pronosticurile de pe acum pentru ca nu stiu daca mai intru pana sambata.

LA Sibiu - UM Timişoara --2
Rockpit - u.craiova --2
zulus - BC IONY PITESTI --2
lps chimie - Boston "The Greats" Celtis --2
Ozana Stars - Carbó VB Ploiesti --2
Nankatsu team - U Mobitelco --??
BCM ELBA Timişoara - The Black Bears --1
bDanvs Cheetahs - LOL team -- 1

PS: Felicitari bDanv pentru finala de Cupa.

This Post:
224606.20 in reply to 224606.19
Date: 8/24/2012 1:18:38 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
bine-ai venit pe forum! deci suntem 5...
iata si pronosticurile mele:

LA Sibiu - UM Timişoara --2
Rockpit - u.craiova --2
zulus - BC IONY PITESTI --2
lps chimie - Boston "The Greats" Celtis --2
Ozana Stars - Carbó VB Ploiesti --??
Nankatsu team - U Mobitelco --1
BCM ELBA Timişoara - The Black Bears --2
bDanvs Cheetahs - LOL team -- 2

This Post:
224606.21 in reply to 224606.20
Date: 8/24/2012 1:54:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
deci 2 inseamna echipa de acasa?

This Post:
224606.22 in reply to 224606.21
Date: 8/24/2012 3:12:12 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
da...daca pui 2 ca pronostic, inseamna ca echipa care joaca acasa castiga

This Post:
224606.23 in reply to 224606.22
Date: 8/24/2012 3:48:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
LA Sibiu - UM Timişoara --2
Rockpit - u.craiova --2
zulus - BC IONY PITESTI --2
lps chimie - Boston "The Greats" Celtis -- 7300
Ozana Stars - Carbó VB Ploiesti --2
Nankatsu team - U Mobitelco -- 1
BCM ELBA Timişoara - The Black Bears --1
bDanvs Cheetahs - LOL team -- 2

From: buia
This Post:
224606.24 in reply to 224606.23
Date: 8/24/2012 5:06:52 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
LA Sibiu - UM Timişoara --2
Rockpit - u.craiova ----
zulus - BC IONY PITESTI --2
lps chimie - Boston "The Greats" Celtis --2
Ozana Stars - Carbó VB Ploiesti --2
Nankatsu team - U Mobitelco -1
BCM ELBA Timişoara - The Black Bears --1
bDanvs Cheetahs - LOL team -- 1

From: brebu

To: buia
This Post:
224606.25 in reply to 224606.24
Date: 8/25/2012 6:00:37 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
LA Sibiu - UM Timişoara -- 2
Rockpit - u.craiova -- x (daca as fi putut as fi pariat pe craiova :)) )
zulus - BC IONY PITESTI -- 2
lps chimie - Boston "The Greats" Celtis -- 2
Ozana Stars - Carbó VB Ploiesti -- 1
Nankatsu team - U Mobitelco -- 1
BCM ELBA Timişoara - The Black Bears -- 1
bDanvs Cheetahs - LOL team -- 1

This Post:
224606.26 in reply to 224606.25
Date: 8/26/2012 2:21:59 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
LA Sibiu 85 - 117 UM Timişoara
- man of the mach, in opinia mea este Efraín García de la LA Sibiu care a reusit sa inscrie 29p contra unei echipe ca UM Timisoara, cu o aparare foarte buna

Rockpit 92 - 104 u.craiova
- man of the match aici pare a fi recenta achizitie a lui buia, Gratian Muntean, cu 21 rec si 27p inscrise... alegere inspirata!

zulus 103 - 118 BC IONY PITESTI
- se remarca Hau Weitao de la BC IONY, cu 40p inscrise si un procentaj de 80% succes la aruncarile de 3p

lps chimie 91 - 98 Boston "The Greats" Celtis
- man of the match ar fi aici tanarul Stefan Alexa de la Boston, cu 14 rec si 22p inscrise

Ozana Stars 103 - 129 Carbó VB Ploiesti
- man of the match: veteranul Idan Ben-Chaim, care, desi rezerva la acest meci, a reusit sa inscrie in 5 din cele 7 incercari de aruncare de la 3p, avand un total de 20p inscrise

Nankatsu team 108 - 95 U Mobitelco
- man of the match: alt veteran, extrema Ricardo Marinho de la U Mobitelco, cu 28p inscrise

BCM ELBA Timişoara 102 - 125 The Black Bears (un meci unde nu multi au pariat pe echipa gazda)
- man of the match: ecuadorianul Julián Ramírez de la The black Bears, cu 24 rec si 30p inscrise

bDanvs Cheetahs 110 - 82 LOL team
- greu de ales omul meciului aici, insa acesta pare a fi Nikos Christoforou de la LOL team, cu 23p inscrise

Clasamentul pronosticurilor dupa prima etapa este:

Captain Tsubasa - 6p
MCMXC a.D. - 6p
buia - 6p
Boston Celts - 5p
brebu - 5p (vezi daca nu pariezi pe mine?))))

se pare ca este o competitie destul de stransa... ce-i drept a fost o etapa relativ previzibila, cel putin pentru meciurile din Big8, insa de acum se complica lucrurile...

va astept cu pronosticurile pentru urmatoarea etapa din 28.08

Boston "The Greats" Celtis - Rockpit
u.craiova - zulus
UM Timişoara - lps chimie
U Mobitelco - BCM ELBA Timişoara
The Black Bears - Ozana Stars
Carbó VB Ploiesti - bDanvs Cheetahs
LOL team - Nankatsu team

Last edited by MCMXC a.D. at 8/27/2012 2:50:57 AM

This Post:
224606.27 in reply to 224606.26
Date: 8/27/2012 1:59:30 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
mersi de procesul etapei:)

Boston "The Greats" Celtis - Rockpit 010110010
u.craiova - zulus 1
UM Timişoara - lps chimie 1
U Mobitelco - BCM ELBA Timişoara 1
The Black Bears - Ozana Stars 1
Carbó VB Ploiesti - bDanvs Cheetahs 2
LOL team - Nankatsu team 1

This Post:
224606.28 in reply to 224606.27
Date: 8/27/2012 2:56:23 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
Boston "The Greats" Celtis - Rockpit 1
u.craiova - zulus 1
UM Timişoara - lps chimie 1
U Mobitelco - BCM ELBA Timişoara 1
The Black Bears - Ozana Stars 1
Carbó VB Ploiesti - bDanvs Cheetahs ?????
LOL team - Nankatsu team 2
