After reading this post I have consulted with my legal consultant Jackie Chiles, who finds this content outrageous, scurrilous and preposterous. I have been advised to not respond but I'm going rogue anyway.
1. He refers to Moffy as waffle. I actually thought that I had never noticed the W in his name. There isn't one so we will be moving on.
The 'w' is silent. This, incidentally, is not a political comment.
2. Referring to Moffy's junk as "love tapper". I don't get it.
I would explain this but I'd have to put much more effort into:
a) thinking about his junk and
b) talking about his junk
and really neither one of those activities strikes me as an enjoyable use of my time. (Incidentally, that's what she said.)
3. Hrudey isn't fooling anyone into actually thinking Moffy was subjecting himself to kicks in the nuts.
He wanted a change up from the pimp slapping and fisticuffs that are the norm on the mean streets of III.5.
4. Finally. An extremely jaded and biased list from a fellow self loather of "hates managers" is now referred to as "The List".
Serenity now!
Last edited by GM-hrudey at 1/3/2013 7:48:11 AM